Author Archives: Corey Sciuto

June 2017 Agenda

LDNA  Agenda – June 26, 2017


  1. Opening greeting
  2. Approval of minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Police Report
  5. Henri Marchand and Tobias Marx of the City of Lowell’s Cultural Affairs & Special Events Department will be discussing Lowell Folk Festival logistics, and previewing upcoming fall events.
  6. Information
  7. Adjourn

May 2017 Minutes

LDNA 05/22/17




Jack Moynihan

Stephen Greene

Corey Sciuto


Meeting Start 7:01


Jack makes motion to accept May’s minutes

Corey seconds, approved


Treasurer’s report

Stephen says we have $570.29


Police Report

Sgt. Prescott

Crime reports are quite low right now stopped working in March


Sean Thibodeau, Pollard Memorial Library

Museum passes and events available at

Library also offers book clubs

eBooks –

Blog and newsletter:


Open Floor

Kathleen Marcin suggests we hold a social event

Suggest someone from DPD speaks soon

Kathleen asks Nick Navin (Parking Director) when we should expect to see the Hamilton Canal surface parking lots. Nick says this summer.

Stephen Greene asks if the Roy Garage has more spaces with tighter spots now. Nick says no; if anything, it’s gone from 1,030 -> 997 due to the removal of some compact spaces.


Parking utilization:

Garage Market Rate* Pass Cards Downtown Resident Pass Cards Total Pass cards
Joe Downes, John St, 1,100 spaces 520 575 1,095
Leo Roy, Market St, 1,000 spaces 515 575 1,090
Ayotte, Post Office Sq., 1,250 spaces 1,250 115 1,365
Lower Locks, Warren St, 900 spaces 370 55 425
Early Garage, Middlesex St, 950 spaces 570 330 900


Corey asked if we could get a recycle bin in the garage. Nick said he’s working on it.



8:10 PM





May 2017 Agenda

LDNA Agenda – May 22, 2017

1. Opening greeting

2. Approval of minutes

3. Treasurer's Report

4. Police Report

5. Sean Thibodeau, Coordinator of Community Planning for the Pollard Memorial Library, will be speaking

6. Information

7. Adjourn

April 2017 Minutes

LDNA 04/24/17 


Jack Moynihan

Carolyn Alphen

Stephen Greene

Corey Sciuto

Meeting Starts 07:05


Treasurer’s Report 



Police Report

Sgt. Prescott

Aggravated assaults are domestic, as is typical.


Assistant City Manager, Mike McGovern

Lowell High School:

Currently working on feasibility studies, since August. City needed to find 16 acres, including six acres of parking. There are four remaining options: Full Renovation, Addition/Renovation 1 & 2, New site @ Cawley

New presentation on findings to the City Council on June 6, Special meeting on June 8; aiming for a forum on June 10.

Timetable: 6 years full renovation. 3 years, new school. 4, ~4.5 yrs for the renovation/builds.

Tax increases are estimated to be ≈ 7%.


General Information / Announcements

Continued work on garage spaces


Meeting Adjourned 

8:25 PM


April 2017 Agenda

LDNA Agenda – April 24, 2017

1. Opening greeting

2. Approval of minutes

3. Treasurer's Report

4. Police Report

5. Mike McGovern, Assistant City Manager, will be speaking to discuss the Lowell High School


6. General Information

7. Adjourn

Meeting Notes – March 27, 2017


Opening greeting

Carolyn introduce herself to begin the meeting and introduced the Board members Jack and Stephen.  Cory was delayed

Approval of minutes

Minutes from the February meeting were motioned, seconded and approved as posted on the website

Treasurer’s Report

The current LDNA balance at Enterprise is $519.29.   New membership donations of $70 were received and will be deposited.

Police Report

Officer presented a concise report for the area including the regular Compstat statistics and map for the period 2/27 to 3/26/2017.  Overall the numbers are down from the previous month’s report.  There were fewer car breaks.  Two of the aggravated assaults involved the police in the line of duty.  Disorderly conduct typically was bar patron related.

Teddy Panos, owner of Athenian Corner, plan to build a boutique-style hotel in Downtown Lowell. Presentation by Attorney George Theodorou.

Attorney George Theodorou  (Market St, Lowell) presented the 52 room boutique style family run hotel proposal that will include the Athenian Corner Restaurant on the ground floor at the current location on Market at Shattuck St..  The project will include the existing Athenian Corner building and new construction using the existing parking.  The new 5 story construction will not be red brick, but white, with the 5 floor set back.  The 5th level will be event rooms and an outside area as currently envisioned.  There will be a recessed drive through area at the corner of Shattuck for guest drop off and valet parking. Parking will be in the Roy Garage and it anticipated that many guest will self-park.  Restaurant guests will park on the street or garage.  Parking was discussed as a concern.

The each floor of hotel will have pictures of the various Lowell neighborhoods.  The ground floor restaurant will be slightly expanded (the seating currently not used on the 2nd floor will be part of the expansion).  It is envisioned that there will be seasonal outside seating on Market Street.  A recess would provide space for tables on what is relatively narrow side walk.

Supplies would be unloaded on Shattuck Street.  The alley would not be affected and trash and recyclable would be removed from building storage through the alley.

The neighborhood is supportive.  Parking was the only expressed concern.

Summer music would be moved to the 5th level.

If permitted, the project could get underway in June as an optimistic date.

There is a Planning Department Hearing on Monday 4/3 at 6:30 PM City Hall.

The proposal goes to the Historic Board on 3/10.   

Asking the people present at the meeting and getting affirmative support,  the LDNA Board motioned, seconded and approved a letter of support for the Athenian Corner Hotel Project.

Gabby Davis, CEO of Made in Lowell, discussed what her group does and the events they host in the City.

She also had a PowerPoint presentation with pictures.  Made in Lowell foster economic and community development in Lowell.  Gabby showed a number of events including some in Lucey Larkum Park.  Made in Lowell organized the Craft Beer walk around local business (next one is planned for Nov 11) as well as a food truck series.  It also organizes Friday Nights.  It will have an Octoberfest event this fall (10/14).  The plan is to go into the neighborhoods in 2018.  There is a wine sipping planned for May 20th.  This gets folks to taste select wines while visiting various business around the downtown as they get their passports stamped.  

Most events are free except if there is food or beverages.  Gabby is limited in the number of 1 day liquor licenses she can get as they are granted to an individual.  Additional involved people could help.  Each event includes significant planning and coordination as well as work with the City.  She is working on more events along the canals and canal walkways.  Another end of year event is planned and she hopes the weather which was very cold this past year is more cooperative.

Abbey welcomes support and volunteers.   Go to her web site –

General Information

Councilor Samaras announced that for the Lowell High School Project, better cost information will be available on May 28th



March 2017 Agenda

LDNA Agenda – March 27, 2017

  1. Opening greeting
  2. Approval of minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Police Report
  5. Teddy Panos, owner of Athenian Corner, discussing the new plan to build a boutique-style hotel in Downtown Lowell. Co-presenting with partner Tim Grover, and Engineer, Matt Hamor. Document library:
  6. Gabby Davis, CEO of Made in Lowell, discussing her group and the events they host in the City.
  7. General Information
  8. Adjourn

February 2017 Minutes

Meeting Opens 7:03 PM




Jack Moynihan – Co-chair

Carolyn Alphen – Co-chair

Corey Sciuto – Secretary


Treasurer’s Report



Police Report, Lt. Crawford


Quieter month than last, with the holidays being over. Car breaks continue; three disorderlies this month due to three different bars refusing entry to drunk people who caused trouble.


Officer Hanson, Canine officer. ‘Bossy’ the German Shepherd


Bossy is used for patrol, narcotics, etc. <Training demo>


Andy Jacobson, Board President of Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL)

COOL has new offices outside of City Hall and has opened up a shop at 122 Merrimack Street: Arts and Maker Fest September 16-17:





February 2017 Agenda

LDNA  Agenda – February 27, 2017

  1. Opening greeting
  2. Approval of minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Police Report
  5. Andy Jacobson, President of the Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL) will give a brief overview of the organization, and discuss some upcoming events.
  6. General Information
  7. Adjourn

January 2017 Minutes

January 23rd, 2017 7 PM, LTC



Carolyn Alphen, Co-Chair

Jack Moynihan, Co-Chair

Stephen Greene, VP/Treasurer

Corey Sciuto Secretary


Begin Meeting

Stephen moves; Corey seconds


Annual Re-Elections

All officers re-elected


Treasurer’s Report


Police Report, Lt. Crawford

Higher-than-normal crime this month, related both to increased activity due to Christmas and New Years, including higher police presence. An individual who committed many of the elevated rate of car breaks was arrested this month as well. Discussions around improved lighting, vagrancy, etc.


Neighborhood Services Subcommittee is present


Supt. Bill Tailor, LPD

3rd consecutive year with double-digit reduction in crime. Includes 15-18% reduction in shots fired.


Maryann Ballotta, Director of Research and Development, LPD

Application for grant for downtown neighborhood (potentially $1M over three years, includes mandatory nine-month planning period, being submitted soon with grant beginning early 2018). Maryann has reached out to and is working with Jack Moynihan. Potential goals include increased lighting, addressing panhandling (change program). Self-watering flower pots. Partnership with Lowell Transitional Living Center to help them better serve their population downtown. Increased lighting in Kerouac Park as it’s a known crime hot-spot. Potentially coordinating with Mill City Grows to open a community garden downtown.


Council expresses interest particularly in working more closely with Lowell Transitional Living Center, especially around keeping their clients occupied with programming during the day.


City Manager Kevin Murphy

We have 252 police officers, highest count since the Clinton era. Most uniformed firefighters in two decades. $4.5M under net school spending at the beginning of Murphy’s tenure; $9.5M over currently. 90% ground-floor occupation level citywide.


Kathleen Marcin asks for highest and best use study re: Lowell High School.


  • City will provide LDNA with highest and best use study.


Wayne Jenness asks what will happen to the courthouses when the new one opens.


  • They’ll be sold on the private market.


Discussion around art gallery shuttles


David Ouellette, Inspectional Services


Over 100 food establishments downtown. About 10 closed food establishments.


Nick Navin, Parking Dept


Lower Locks garage repair work is done, Market St is nearly done.


The closing of Market St during City of Lights blocking the garage was in error.


Surface Parking Lot next to Canal Place III will not be built until they end up developing Hamilton Canal District 2 and 4, which are currently surface lots.


Call the Parking Dept. if your car was damaged during the garage repair process.


Discussion around 1 East Merrimack St and Parking. They can’t fit that many cars in the Davidson St lot unless a garage is built there.


Overall, there is interest increasing the number of parking spaces downtown.


Motion to ajourn

Carolyn moves, Stephen Greene seconds.