January 23rd, 2017 7 PM, LTC
Carolyn Alphen, Co-Chair
Jack Moynihan, Co-Chair
Stephen Greene, VP/Treasurer
Corey Sciuto Secretary
Begin Meeting
Stephen moves; Corey seconds
Annual Re-Elections
All officers re-elected
Treasurer’s Report
Police Report, Lt. Crawford
Higher-than-normal crime this month, related both to increased activity due to Christmas and New Years, including higher police presence. An individual who committed many of the elevated rate of car breaks was arrested this month as well. Discussions around improved lighting, vagrancy, etc.
Neighborhood Services Subcommittee is present
Supt. Bill Tailor, LPD
3rd consecutive year with double-digit reduction in crime. Includes 15-18% reduction in shots fired.
Maryann Ballotta, Director of Research and Development, LPD
Application for grant for downtown neighborhood (potentially $1M over three years, includes mandatory nine-month planning period, being submitted soon with grant beginning early 2018). Maryann has reached out to and is working with Jack Moynihan. Potential goals include increased lighting, addressing panhandling (change program). Self-watering flower pots. Partnership with Lowell Transitional Living Center to help them better serve their population downtown. Increased lighting in Kerouac Park as it’s a known crime hot-spot. Potentially coordinating with Mill City Grows to open a community garden downtown.
Council expresses interest particularly in working more closely with Lowell Transitional Living Center, especially around keeping their clients occupied with programming during the day.
City Manager Kevin Murphy
We have 252 police officers, highest count since the Clinton era. Most uniformed firefighters in two decades. $4.5M under net school spending at the beginning of Murphy’s tenure; $9.5M over currently. 90% ground-floor occupation level citywide.
Kathleen Marcin asks for highest and best use study re: Lowell High School.
- City will provide LDNA with highest and best use study.
Wayne Jenness asks what will happen to the courthouses when the new one opens.
- They’ll be sold on the private market.
Discussion around art gallery shuttles
David Ouellette, Inspectional Services
Over 100 food establishments downtown. About 10 closed food establishments.
Nick Navin, Parking Dept
Lower Locks garage repair work is done, Market St is nearly done.
The closing of Market St during City of Lights blocking the garage was in error.
Surface Parking Lot next to Canal Place III will not be built until they end up developing Hamilton Canal District 2 and 4, which are currently surface lots.
Call the Parking Dept. if your car was damaged during the garage repair process.
Discussion around 1 East Merrimack St and Parking. They can’t fit that many cars in the Davidson St lot unless a garage is built there.
Overall, there is interest increasing the number of parking spaces downtown.
Motion to ajourn
Carolyn moves, Stephen Greene seconds.