Author Archives: Corey Sciuto

January 2017 Meeting

LDNA Agenda – January 23, 2017, 7 PM., LTC

  1. Opening greeting
  2. Approval of minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Annual election of LDNA officers
  5. Police Report
  6. Neighborhood Services Subcommittee (continuing their efforts to better connect with the community) will conduct their monthly meeting at this LDNA meeting.
  7. General Information
  8. Adjourn

November 2016 Minutes

LDNA Meeting, November 28, 2016



Jack Moynihan, Co-Chair

Carolyn Alphen, Co-Chair

Stephen Greene, Vice President

Corey Sciuto, Secretary

Police Report (Lt. Crawford):

Car break suspect has been caught

Interested in creative solutions on how to reduce backup downtown of people waiting on Ubers when the bars close.

Talk about lighting issues in the Canal Place parking lots.

Gates aren’t always closed by Trio.

Discussion around home access issues during events – Councilor Samaras looking to make a motion to address this.

Bridges closing:

Discussion about licensing commission meetings.

Lowell High School Project

Presentation by Skanska and Perkins Eastman

Please direct questions to the City Manager’s Office

Next community presentation at LHS Auditorium on Thursday, December 8 2016 at 6:30PM

Website on the project should be available in March.

Motion to Accept Minutes

Corey made, Stephen seconds

Treasurer’s Report

$367.29 + donations from today

No meeting till January 23rd!

Motion to adjourn

Carolyn moves; Stephen seconds 8:44PM



October 2016 Minutes; November Agenda

October Minutes

LDNA – October 17, 2016 7:00 PM


Jack Moynihan, Co-Chair

Carolyn Alphen, Co-Chair

Corey Sciuto,  Secretary

Motion to approve minutes:

Jack puts forward, Carolyn seconds

Treasurer’s Report:


Allison Lamey, Director of Economic Development:

Commercial Vacancy on Ground Floor @ 6%

Craig questions where this number came from.

Allison points out that many of these ground floor spots have become offices, which are not ideal for generating foot traffic. City is looking into changing regulations s.t. more ‘interactive’ businesses open.

<< Discussions around subsidized housing, parking, higher floor occupancy, new businesses, etc… >>

Motion to Adjourn

Corey moves, Carolyn seconds.

November Agenda

Novenber 28, 2016

1. Opening greeting

2. Approval of minutes

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Police Report

5. Lowell High School Project Presentation by LHS Project Consultants

6. Introduction of Gabby Davis from “Made in Lowell” organization

7. General Information

8. Adjourn

October 2016 Agenda / September 2016 Minutes

NOTE: There is a date change this month!

LDNA Agenda – October 17, 2016

1. Opening greeting

2. Approval of minutes

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Police Report

5. Introduction of Economic Development Director Allison Lamey for brief remarks and questions and answers.

6. Discussion of plans for Bridge Street Bridge lighting

7. General Information

8. Adjourn


September Minutes

September 26, 2016, 7 PM



Jack Moynihan – President

Corey Sciuto – Secretary


Meeting called to order at 7:04


Motion to approve Minutes – Jack

Seconded – Corey


Sgt. Nobrega – LPD

Crime report had a few break-ins this month; all businesses. Violent crimes this month were either alcohol-related or domestics.


Bill Garr and Barbera Dunsford of Lowell House, Craig Thomas of CBA

Slideshow and video presentation about new building on Upper Merrimack St for long-term recovery patients.


Councilor Samaras

Interested in feedback in lighting regulations downtown. Looking to make a motion to better light the canal walkways.



October Meeting is on the 3rd and not the 4th Monday next week. LTC will be used for Early Voting.


Jack – Motion to Adjourn

Corey seconds.


Close 8:07

September 2016 Agenda

Monday, September 26, 2016, 7 PM, LTC, 246 Market St

  1. Opening greeting
  2. Approval of minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Police Report
  5. Bill Garr from Lowell House and Yun-Ju Choi from the CBA will discuss plans for a collaborative effort to build a new treatment center at the current Lowell House site on Merrimack Street
  6. General Information
  7. Adjourn

August 2016 Minutes

LDNA August 22, 2016


Carolyn Alphen, Stephen Greene, Corey Sciuto

Accept Meeting Minutes

 Stephen moves; Kathleen Marcin seconds

Treasurer’s Report


Discussion of spending the money on a neighborhood block party in the Market Mills Courtyard. How do we discuss with the community at large? Suggestion of an Ice Cream Social.

Police Report

Sgt. Nobrega presenting. Fairly typical month.

A few residents discussing how moving people out of the TD BankNorth plaza has moved people into different areas along the canals, often owned by the National Park. LDNA to look into getting signs installed that would allow enforcement of no trespassing laws.

Mary Hart – First Thursdays

The final First Thursday of the 2016 season is September 1st:



August Agenda

LDNA Agenda – Monday, August 22, 2016

1. Opening greeting

2. Approval of minutes

3. Treasurer&#39;s Report

4. Police Report

5. Mary Hart will discuss First Thursdays

6. General Information

7. Adjourn

June Minutes

LDNA 06/27/16, 7:06 PM




Carolyn Alphen, Jack Moynihan, Corey Sciuto


Approval of Minutes:


Carolyn moves; Corey seconds


Treasurer’s Report:




City Mgr. Kevin Murphy:


Discussed increased focus on trash during outdoor dining season.


Discussion on reverting many intersections to exclusive cycles, or delayed green after walk.


Discussion around increased parking rates. There has been no motion by the City Council; the Parking Dept misspoke. City is potentially working on an app to find out what parking lots have spaces.


Talk about increasing lighting downtown, including more canalside lighting.


Lt. Crawford, LPD:


Discussion about noise downtown, lack of police patrols by some of the alleys.


Richard Howe, Jr. Lowell Walks


Tours are 10 AM-11:30 AM on Saturday mornings:




Carolyn moves; Corey seconds


REMINDER: No July Meeting.


8:18 PM

June Agenda

LDNA Agenda – Monday, June 27, 2016

1. Opening greeting

2. Approval of minutes

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Police Report

5. City Manager, Kevin Murphy

6. Richard Howe will discuss Lowell Walks

7. General Information

8. Adjourn

May Meeting Minutes

LDNA 5/23/16


Jack Moynihan

Carolyn Alphen

Stephen Greene

Corey Sciuto


Start: 7:02


Approval of March Minutes:

Moved by Carolyn; Second by Jack


Treasurer’s Report:

$287.29 + $40 deposits


Police Report:

Captain Richardson


Discussed recent incidents downtown. Largely typical bar stuff.


Report graffiti to Mike Demaras at Neighborhood Services or via e-gov


Councilor John Leahy, Public Safety Chair:


Increases to staff on Police Department and Fire Department. City Manager and the Police Chief are in Washington, D.C. today receiving a reward for Community Policing.


Paul A: How is the Hamilton Canal District work coming?


  1. Leahy: Contractors are being picked; hopefully the courthouse and the planned buildings start soon.


Stephen G: Will we get sidewalk repairs done before Folk Festival?


  1. Leahy: We would like to.


Jack M: Can we do anything about traffic light enforcement? Can we get cameras?


  1. Leahy: We haven’t discussed that in particular. We’ve talked about cameras in general.


Sam L: The downtown lights have cameras in them. Can’t we just use those?


  1. Leahy: We are continually looking into this sort of thing.


Sam L: What does the city offer for teens to do in the summer?


  1. Leahy: They can help work with the Parks Department.


(Councilor Bill Samaras enters; discussion on the panhandling and loitering laws)


Reminder to contact Nick Navin, Parking and Garages Dept. with any questions:


DIY Lowell:


Visit to submit ideas. Summit looks like it will be July 14.


First Thursdays: now through September.


Sam L: Can we make it legal to get to Western Avenue Studios from Dutton Street?


  1. Samaras: It would cost $2M to build a pedestrian bridge over that.


Adjournment: 8:32 PM