Category Archives: Earth Day

Downtown Neighborhood
Clean-Up Day
April 24, 2010 at 9AM

There were some really hard-working people out Saturday. Great thanks to everyone!
Some neighbors who have been her for awhile…

And some wonderful students from UML made their way all along the Riverwalk and Lucy Larcom Park…

And some neighbors who have not even moved in yet. Steve Carlin
Park Supervisor, MA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation who will be moving into the Mack Building in June brought along a group of volunteers and made our little sanctuary The Victorian Garden as beautiful as it has ever been.

3rd Annual Earth Day Festival

Hosted by Lowel’s Community Gardens Greenhoiuse

Sunday, April 19th
12 – 4 PM
220 Aiken Street
Lowell National Park Maintenance Site

Free Event / Rain or Shine
More information at: