Category Archives: MRT


Ushering at Merrimack Repertory Theatre offers you the opportunity to helpsupport non-profit professional theatre in your community and earn great theatre-going benefits as well.
MRT’s usher corps helps to create awelcoming environment for its patrons by greeting guests, tearing tickets,passing out playbills, and serving concessions. Each of MRT’s 190performances needs about 10 volunteer ushers: 1 at will-call ticketpick-up,1 ticket taker, 2 at concessions, 2 in the orchestra to seat and pass outprograms, 2 in the balcony to seat and pass out programs, 1 to directpeopleto the restrooms, and 1 floater.
Ushering at MRT also makes a great group community service project for your church group, book club or serviceorganization. The dress code is black pants/skirts and white tops. Ushers are asked to commit to at least two performances per production. Ushers receive complimentary ticket vouchers to future performances in exchangefortheir service.
*** For more information, please contact John Dyson, HouseManager, at 978.454.6324 x212 or ***