Category Archives: ONE Lowell

Downtown Demographics Myth

There is a lot being said about downtown demographics the past few days…as you might suspect it all started with a SUN story about tenants being paid to move out of complex…

People who have some actual facts commented

and some opinion….

You be the judge and certainly take the opportunity to add your opinion.

If you want more facts please go to the Salem State-ONE Lowell study at

Public hearing about the Lowell Immigration Commission TOMORROW!

Just a friendly reminder about the public hearing on re-establishing the Immigration Commission for the city of Lowell.
Tuesday, March 23rd Lowell City Hall 7:00pm
We need you there to show your support for the Mayor and the commission!
You can view the ordinance itself on the ONE Lowell website:

The new Immigration Commission will provide representation from among our newcomer communities in Lowell. Commissioners will advocate for the well-being of Lowell’s diverse immigrant and refugee residents. Commissioners will also assist the City Manager and the City Council in the development of policies and programs that help resident immigrants of the City of Lowell in addressing their needs and concerns.
This is an amazing opportunity for newcomers to Lowell to have a voice in those policies that impact their lives, and will be a vital step in developing leadership in newcomer communities that can lead to elected representation.

Contact: Victoria Fahlberg, PhDExecutive DirectorONE Lowell978-654-6957 x 102


The SUN is reporting that Fair vote Lowell turned in enough signatures yesterday to put this question on the November ballot! Great work!
‘Choice-voting’ question going on Lowell ballot
By Jennifer Myers,

LOWELL — A question will appear on this November’s city election ballot asking voters to change the city’s current voting system to a proportional system.
Elections Office manager Gail Cenik reported that Victoria Fahlberg, the executive director of ONE Lowell who is spearheading the Fair Vote Lowell initiative, turned in 5,126 valid signatures yesterday, more than 900 above what was required for ballot placement.
Under “proportional” or “choice” voting, voters rank their candidates by preference, filling in the “1” oval next to the name of their top choice, “2” for their second, etc.
In counting the votes, a formula is used to determine the number of votes a candidate needs to reach to win. The most common formula divides the number of votes cast by the number of available seats plus one. One is then added to that figure.
For instance, if 12,000 voters cast ballots, a candidate would win a seat by earning 1,201 first-choice picks. Once a candidate reaches the magic number, the remaining ballots on which she was the first choice would be doled out to the second-choice candidates on each. Any candidate who reaches the threshold is automatically elected.

City Council Election

Update: 7/30/09
In a SUN story headlined…Move to change charter for elections under way
is this quote by City Councilor Kazanjian “Let the people decide. It is their primary.”

I prefer not to call anyone a hypocrite because on any given day depending on the circumstances…there’s a chance I could become one myself (if that happens I hope someone calls me out on it). Just in case… I will say good for him for “seeing the light”. It is the people’s primary and those are the people who should decide.

Also, this just in from Greg’s blog:
What: Fair Vote Lowell Organization Meeting
Who: ANYONE interested, regardless of past or current involvement level with this initiative
When: Friday, 31 JUL, at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Saint Ann’s Church, 8 Kirk Street
Why: To discuss strategies for gathering enough valid signatures to get the petition on the ballot
Best Point of Contact on this, or any other upcoming related events, would be Dr. Victoria Fahlberg —

The saga continued last night… there will be no primary election!

If you were not able to attend or watch on television…please take the time to watch your current city government in action before they start asking for your vote this November.

Simply stated by Bob Forrant comment on
I’ve said elsewhere and I will say it here too, using my real name, that it is a perversion of democracy to have individuals in power vote to change the rules of the game while the game is in progress.

I was happy to see that Dick Howe has video posted of each councilors reasons for/against holding the primary
…except for CC Lenzi, he was absent; as he has stated in the past, it is only convenient for him to attend two CC meetings per month.

If you want to see more of CC R. Mercier’s reasons for “NOT” holding a primary, hop on over to
In addition there is the statement by CC candidate Partick Murphy…he sounds like a reasonable guy…we should get to know him better.

‘hood stuff

Tuesday July 14th, 6:30 PM – City Council meeting. Please note on the agenda Councilor Milinazzo has a motion to for an independent legal investigation into whether the council violated the city (Plan E) charter when they voted not to fund assistant city manager, Andy Sheehan’s position.
I am not in the habit of editorializing… however, this motion by a councilor who publicly acknowledged she did it “because she doesn’t like him…” or some such nonsense…SCREAMS out for top honors in the WTF? category. Stay-tuned…I can not imagine one other councilor besides Mr. Milinazzo would possibly have the courage to vote in favor of this motion. To put it simply…this is sad, sad, sad for the city.

Which leads me to remind everyone: Petitions for an initiatve to be placed on this November’s ballot are due within the next week. If have the petition, please call or send me an email at:

Wednesday July 15th, and EVERY Wednesday – Traditional Irish Music at The Old Court

Every Friday, 2-7 PM – Farmer’s Market – JFK Plaza

LDNA Meeting

Updates from meeting:

Monday, April 27th, 7PM

Elaina Bates, Revolving Museum Events
Two upcoming events
May 2nd 7:30 – 9PM “The Body Talks”. Choreography and conversation with dancers and artists from the Donna Miceli Dancer Center
May 9th, 6 – 10 PM, “The Full Moon Celebration” at Harmony Park (corner of Cross & Cork Sts.). TRM stll needs volunteers for this event. More info at:

Victoria Fahlberg, ONE Lowell, Voter Participation
Get more information about the initiative for a proportional voting system in Lowell

Allegra Williams, Homelessness Awareness Events
May 23rd, 7 – 10 PM, “Street Beat”, Homeless Benefit Concert at The Revolving Museum.
There will also be an art sale by homeless artists and a “Camp-Out” at St. Anne’s Church.
Open Discussion
Saturday, May 2nd, 9AM – Mack Plaza, City-wide Clean-up. Volunteers needed for downtown.
9 AM – 1 PM – City Hazardous Waster disposal at Cawley Stadium, more at:

Daryl from Blue Shamrock announce a new Friday night concert series in their upstairs lounge “Gemstones” which will kick off this Friday with “Hot Day At The Zoo” performing.

The New Englander

Be sure to check out Greg’s post about last night UML Discussion Series.