Category Archives: taxation

2008 Statewide Ballot Questions

With the election just days away, make sure you know what you are voting for before you get there… Statewide Ballot Questions are defined on the Secretary of State web site:

I don’t normally state a public opinion about an election, but I have to spew a little annoyance about this particular issue.

For anyone who is considering voting yes on question 1; please give some long-range thought to this issue…you may collect with one hand from the state, but in order to provide the necessary services for a city the size of Lowell…imagine your property tax bill for a moment…yeah, that was a really dark thought!

When you consider the time and effort expended by the city council and administration during the past 6-months of a $35M water & sewer project to be certain that the spending was an absolute necessity (it is!), imagine where we will be next year when we are trying to decide how many teachers; firefighters; police officers will have to be laid-off… and while you are considering all of that… remind yourself that when the economy takes a down-turn, crime dramatically increases…so because we will be needing those police officers property-owners in the city of Lowell will see astronomical tax increases… but this will be great for those who do not own property, not to mention all of the NH residents who have to cross the border to find employment. That in just one teeny example of the “state-of-the-state” if people do not make the correct decision on this and vote NO on Question 1.