Category Archives: Parking


Snow Emergency – Parking Ban – is being LIFTED immediately – March 1, 2012 – 1:57 PM.

Snow Emergency Parking Ban – Tuesday 9 AM

Please be advised that a Snow Emergency Parking Ban has been declared on Tuesday at 9 AM.

There shall be no parking on the City Streets from 6:00 P.M. until such time that the ban is lifted. Motor Vehicles parking in violation of such ban (City Ordinance, sec. 19-89) are subject to towing under the authority of the Lowell Police Department and such towing will be at the owner’s expense (sec. 19-90). Motor Vehicles shall also receive a parking violation ticket.

FREE Parking for City residents who do not have access to “off-street” parking during “Snow Emergency – Parking Ban” available at George Ayotte Parking Facility, 11 Post Office Square, Lowell, MA 01852

More info…

Snow Emergency Parking Ban – 12/26/2010

Snow emergency parking ban has been declared effective at noon Sunday. No parking on streets from noon today until the ban is lifted.
FREE parking for city residents who do not have access to off-street parking availabe at Ayotte Garaage, 11 Post Office Sq. (next to Tsongas Arena) while parking ban is in effect.
More info…

LPD Resident Survey Results

The Lowell Police Department web site has a link to the entire report.
Downtown residents had one of the highest response rates.
There is also a story in the SUN (which we don’t read) at

Parking Update

According to Karen Bell at The Club:
The City of Lowell has reinstated it’s ordinance and will now be ticketing city wide Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm. This includes all street meters and the 40 spaces located in level 1 of the Early parking garage. Parking will be free before and after enforcement times and always on weekends.

Hold the line on city parking rates

Here is an excerpt from the SUN editorial regarding increased parking rates. You can get the rest by clicking on the headline above.

“…Most of the city’s employees, including School Department workers, don’t live in Lowell, and don’t share in the cost of parking in the city’s garages. Yet the people who have made an investment in Lowell — downtown condo residents and business owners — not only have to pay for their own parking but must also subsidize parking for city workers who take up municipal spaces.
The plan to increase residents’ rates by $10 a month without exacting a contribution from city workers isn’t fair. City workers, including teachers, should bear some of the cost through a payroll deduction. Downtown residents who already are supporting the garages through parking fees and taxes should be exempt from higher rates…”

Neighbors have supported Mr. Carney and all he has done to make the city garages safer, cleaner and more profitable. However, the SUN is correct when you consider downtown residents are pretty much the only city tax-payers who have this burden.

Here’s a thought…since each “household”, (which includes my little tiny condo that is not eligible for municipal trash pick-up), subsidizes the city trash program to the tune of about $150.00 per year. Instead of the City increasing my parking fee $120.00 annually; maybe we could just call it even…I’m willing to pay the extra $30.00 to pick other people’s trash.