Updated schedule can be found here.
Check out the list of upcoming films from LFC.
I’m particularly thrilled to see “Touch the Sound” listed since I have had the pleasure of seeing this movie and also have seen Evelyn Glinnie perform in Glasgow at Celtic Connections Festival.
Posted in Arts, Culture, Downtown Lowell, Events, Film, Lowell, Lowell Film Collaborative
Posted in Arts, Community Issues, Events, Lowell
Please join the Lower Highlands Neighborhood Group (LHNG) on Sunday January 2nd at 2 PM in Armory Park to place purple ribbons along Grand Street in rememberance of the victims of ciolence that ocurred at 04 Grand Street on New Year’s Eve (ribbons will be provided by LHNG).
The event will begin at Armory Park at the corner of Westford and Grand Streets. The purpose of the event is to send a clear message throughout the Lower Highlands and the City of Lowell that violence will not be tolerated in our community.
For more information about LHNG go to http://sites.google.com/site/lowerhighlands/
The Massachusetts Cultural Council Mayor’s Art Challenge has begun the voting process. 18 Bay State mayors have submitted powerful testimonials on how arts and culture make their cities better place to live, work and visit.
Vote for the video you believe make the best case for the power of the arts in building community.
to “like” videos by October 29th.
Be sure to watcht the amazing Lowell video and if you like it give it a Thumbs Up!
Friday, April 9, 2010
5:00—7:00 pm
Lowell General Hospital
(295 Varnum Avenue, Lowell, MA 01854)
This FREE family event will feature activities such as child
fingerprinting, spin art, face-painting, an appearance by
Canaligator of the Lowell Spinners, as well as informational
brochures and give-a-ways from many organizations!
Light refreshments will be served
Information & Activities will be provided by the following
Alternative House * Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence * Boston Medical Center
HealthNet Plan * Elder Services of Merrimack Valley * FBI * Floating Hospital for
Children at Tufts Medical Center * F.O.C.U.S. * Greater Lowell Health Alliance * Lowell
Alliance for Families and Neighborhoods * Lowell Community Health Center * Lowell
General Hospital * Lowell Fire Department * Lowell Police Department * Lowell Spinners *
Middlesex District Attorney’s Office * Middlesex Sheriff’s Office * Network Health *
Rape Crisis Services of Greater Lowell * Saints Medical Center * Trinity EMS * WIC
For more information contact:
Amy Stanley at 978.788.7278
Posted in Community Issues, Events, Lowell
There are some things the SUN does well; city council election coverage for instance.
Today they have posted a “HEALTHCARE AND YOU” SECTION AT
that contains scenerios how Healthcare reform will affect individuals.
And I will not even fault them for not coming close to a scenerio that fits my own life because I see this as a valuable tool for understanding the changes.
Posted in Community Problems, Healthcare, Lowell, SUN
Just a friendly reminder about the public hearing on re-establishing the Immigration Commission for the city of Lowell.
Tuesday, March 23rd Lowell City Hall 7:00pm
We need you there to show your support for the Mayor and the commission!
You can view the ordinance itself on the ONE Lowell website:
The new Immigration Commission will provide representation from among our newcomer communities in Lowell. Commissioners will advocate for the well-being of Lowell’s diverse immigrant and refugee residents. Commissioners will also assist the City Manager and the City Council in the development of policies and programs that help resident immigrants of the City of Lowell in addressing their needs and concerns.
This is an amazing opportunity for newcomers to Lowell to have a voice in those policies that impact their lives, and will be a vital step in developing leadership in newcomer communities that can lead to elected representation.
Contact: Victoria Fahlberg, PhDExecutive DirectorONE Lowell978-654-6957 x 102 vfahlberg@onelowell.net
CSP Community Forum Presents:
“Community Resource Sharing”
Who?: The Community and Social Psychology (CSP) graduate students at UMass Lowell invite you to engage in discussion about hot topics in Lowell.
What?: A discussion about how we can work to create a stronger sense of community and support localism by making resources more accessible and affordable for everyone.
When?: Wednesday, March 24th 2010 from 7:00-8:30pm
Where?: Pollard Memorial Library
401 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA. 01852
Why?: By discovering the needs of Lowell citizens we will be better able to help one another fulfill those needs. Resource sharing is a great way to create affordability as well as availability, while also building a sense of community.
* Light snacks and beverages will be provided.
* Join us on the web for pre and post forum discussions at