Category Archives: Lowell


I thought I would take a quick look at see if anyone had posted any comments about the CNAG City Council Candidate Forum… this is not going to be quick after all…
Here are some opportunities to read opinions, check out some of the local comments:



Richard Howe

Councilor Kazanjian answers SUN questions

Full story:

QUESTION 1: Was I aware that Mr. Ames was repeatedly spending city work hours at Kazanjian’s Used Auto Parts on Dutton Street?
ANSWER: No, I was not aware he was repeatedly spending city work hours at Kazanjian’s Used Auto Parts. Of course, I was aware from time to time that Sandy would stop by and visit that location as he is friends with myself and many of my employees.
In retrospect, given my position as a city councilor, I probably should have paid more attention to it and for that I apologize.
QUESTION 2: Did I condone Ames’ apparent misconduct during work hours?
ANSWER: Absolutely not! I don’t and would not condone any misconduct whether it be my own employees or city employees.
QUESTION 3: Was I aware that Sandy Ames was allegedly performing work on Kazanjian-owned properties and running errands for Kazanjian Enterprises while supposedly on the clock for the city?
ANSWER: Sandy Ames served as an unpaid, independent contractor, performing oversight of plumbing work on a Kazanjian-based project outside the City of Lowell, specifically, 190 Middlesex Street in Chelmsford.
I thought it went without saying and that Sandy did not need to be told that he should not be performing any such services for me on city time.
If he was doing so, I was certainly not aware Sandy was either doing work or running errands for Kazanjian-related businesses on city time.
If these allegations are substantiated, I would certainly support the city manager’s decision to discipline Mr. Ames.
It was a mistake on my part not to make this point perfectly clear.
QUESTION 4: Why didn’t I disclose for conflict-of-interest reasons the fact that Sandy Ames also works as the manager of the SAC Club, a Market Street bar owned by Kazanjian, and is listed as president of that club?
ANSWER: I am not aware any conflict exists but as far as disclosing Sandy as Manager of Record and serving as corporate president of the SAC Club, I would point out it is a matter of public record at the Secretary of State’s Office and the City of Lowell’s License Commission.
Sandy has served as president of the corporation and manager since 1998, long before he was a city employee and I was a city councilor.
QUESTION 5: Why didn’t I recuse myself from voting on anything related to Inspectional Services given the close business relationship with Ames?
ANSWER: Sandy Ames is a very close personal friend of mine who serves as a non-compensated Corporate Officer and unpaid manager of the SAC Club Inc., both positions he has held since 1998, before he was plumbing inspector and prior to me being elected to the City Council.
I, like my colleagues, have many friends who are employed by the city.
I believe the only matter related to the Inspectional Services Division I voted on would have been voting on the budget as presented by the manager and seeing nothing in the conflict of interest laws that would have prohibited my voting or anything that would influence the way I did my job as a city councilor, I did not recuse myself.
In hindsight, perhaps a more prudent course of action on my part would have been to request an opinion through the solicitor’s office.
QUESTION 6: Was I aware, and did I condone, the fact that Sandy Ames reported working 52 hours for the city during an eight-day period in July when surveillance showed Ames did not work a minimum of 70 percent of those hours?
ANSWER: I would have had no way of knowing what Sandy Ames reported to the city during an eight-day period in July. Again, if these allegations are proved to be true, there is no way I would condone such conduct and would support appropriate disciplinary action by the city manager.
QUESTION 7: Am I aware that the behavior of Sandy Ames, a business associate, is accused of constitutes a diversion of public funds to a private use and is therefore illegal?
ANSWER: As I have stated several times before, I had no knowledge that Sandy Ames was doing any work for me while on city time and I think I have made it perfectly clear, I would never condone such activity.
QUESTION 8: Why was Ames allowed to sign off on more than 40 plumbing and gas permits on projects owned by or constructed by Kazanjian, or a corporate entity controlled by Kazanjian, since 2006, which is prohibited by state law?
ANSWER: Sandy Ames, the city of Lowell Chief Plumbing and Gas Fitting Inspector, signed off on permits applied by licensed plumbers subcontracted by Kazanjian Enterprises Inc., within in the City of Lowell.
Looking back. Perhaps it would have been a better idea to have the building commissioner procure a plumbing inspector from out of town to perform such inspections. And for not doing that, I apologize.
QUESTION 9: While voicing various opinions on the City Council floor, Kazanjian has often stated he is looking out for Lowell’s taxpayers. How is that consistent with Kazanjian’s relationship with Ames and his alleged activities?
ANSWER: As I have stated, I was not aware of Mr. Ames’ alleged activity pertaining to private work on city time.
Consistent with me looking out for taxpayers’ interest, if the alleged activity is proved to be true, I support discipline.

LDNA meeting
Monday, August 24th, 7PM at The Revolving Museum
Agenda items:
Downtown newsletter
Potential new meeting venue
City Council Candidates

I just heard from UMASS that representatives unable to attend Monday night…no big surprise…
I have heard from a few city council candidates who are planning to attend to “introduce” themselves. I think this is a much better use of our time and the city council certainly has a much greater impact on what happens in our daily lives, as well as what happens to our personal budgets.
I also asked LPD to give any further updates on the incident that may/may not have started at El Rincon Sat/Sun which led to the stabbing on Warren St. I also inquired to our SUN reporter as to why there was no mention of this life-threatening attack in our local paper… he did add what info he could get to his blog:

Save-these-dates; more info soon…
Saturday, October 3rd – JAMBRA Yard-Sale. Good opportunity to get rid of stuff!
Wednesday, October 14th – City Council Candidate Forum

Franky for Lowell

From the Patrick Murphy campaign…

Patrick Murphy, candidate for the Lowell City Council, is hosting a Meet and Greet event at Hookslide Kelly’s on 19 Merrimack Street this Friday, August 14th from 7:30 – 9:30pm.

As he is not fundraising for his own campaign, we are asking that those of you whom may be interested in supporting our campaign, instead donate to one of the five local organizations for which Patrick has chosen to raise money. Particularly in these times, as funding for various programs dries up while the hardships that burden many of our city’s families only worsen, we ask those who are able to help financially to help these groups continue in their worthy efforts. Some of these groups will have representatives present on Friday. To help with participation, anyone who donates five dollars or more to one of these organizations will be entered to win a pair of box tickets to see the Lowell Spinners, Single-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox. We hope, above all, that this will serve as an opportunity for people to learn about Patrick and what he values most in his community.

Tavaryna Choeun

Shooter in Choeun case held without bail after pleading innocent in Superior Court
It’s not much…but at least this man is not going anywhere and will have to face the reality of what he has done.
These kids participated in the “Rally for Peace” after the murder of Tavaryna Cheoun. I had an opportunity to meet many of them. Like all of our children; this is the next generation and they need our support.
If you can, please attend; if you can’t make it; send them $8. to support their youth programs.
Dance for Peace
Come and join the next generation of Lowellians as they put on a performance in the name of ending strife. The Annual Dance 4 Peace event is at the Lowell Auditorium and is a collaborative effort between many of the youth programs in the City.
Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for youth; the latter price is reduced to $3 if you bring a children’s book to donate. All proceeds go to the Quoc Le Scholarship Fund, which will be awarded to a Teen Coalition youth. Bring the whole family to this great event!Wed., Aug. 5, 7- 10pm.
For more information call Monica Veth at 978-337-4572.

‘hood stuff

Tuesday July 14th, 6:30 PM – City Council meeting. Please note on the agenda Councilor Milinazzo has a motion to for an independent legal investigation into whether the council violated the city (Plan E) charter when they voted not to fund assistant city manager, Andy Sheehan’s position.
I am not in the habit of editorializing… however, this motion by a councilor who publicly acknowledged she did it “because she doesn’t like him…” or some such nonsense…SCREAMS out for top honors in the WTF? category. Stay-tuned…I can not imagine one other councilor besides Mr. Milinazzo would possibly have the courage to vote in favor of this motion. To put it simply…this is sad, sad, sad for the city.

Which leads me to remind everyone: Petitions for an initiatve to be placed on this November’s ballot are due within the next week. If have the petition, please call or send me an email at:

Wednesday July 15th, and EVERY Wednesday – Traditional Irish Music at The Old Court

Every Friday, 2-7 PM – Farmer’s Market – JFK Plaza


Fair Vote Lowell is an initiative to increase voter participation, open up opportunities for new candidates, and create local elective bodies that are representative of all residents in Lowell, Massachusetts.Our mission is simple: We’re here to transform Lowell’s voting system for local elections of city councilors and school committee from the current “Winner take All” system to “Choice Voting”, a system that is fair and promotes greater representation for all.We invite you to explore our site and join us in transforming our voting system in Lowell.

What is Choice Voting? Choice voting is a type of proportional representation that works on the principle that all voters have a right to someone they support. With Choice voting, the majority still receives a majority of the representation, but some seats are available to other voters, so that all voters can be fairly represented. To vote, voters rank the candidates in order of preference. If your top choice loses, your vote goes to your next preferred candidate. After a choice voting election, each elected candidate represents a distinct and equal-sized group of like-minded voters.

I have the petition…please let me know if you have not had an opportunity to sign one.

Dick Howe takes a historical look at Lowell’s previous use of “Choice Voting”

Candidate web sites to date:
Ryan Berard
Franky Descoteaux
Joe Mendonca
James Milinazzo
Patrick Murphy

Update: I received an email from Ryan Berard;
The First Campaign Fundraiser is scheduled for July 16th at the East End Club from 6-10PM.


LFC has quite a schedule of movies this summer…get all the info on their “upcoming events” page.

Scenes from a Parish [2009] Tuesday, May 26 / 7PM Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center 246 Market Street, Lowell.

Circuit [2009] Tuesday, June 2 / 7PM Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center 246 Market Street, Lowell.

Right at Your Door [2006] Thursday, June 11 / 7 PMThe premiere of the Cinema at Studio A film seriesLowell Telecommunications Corporation 246 Market St., Lowell

A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil [2006] Presented by the Lowell Film Collaborative in partnership with the Lowell Green Building Commission, Thursday, June 18 / 6:30 -9PM Tabocas Brazilian Steakhouse

Nerdcore Rising [2008] Thursday, June 25 / 7 p.m. Part of the Cinema at Studio A film series Lowell Telecommunications Corporation 246 Market St., Lowell

Twelve [2008] Thursday, July 9 / 7 p.m. Part of the Cinema at Studio A film seriesLowell Telecommunications Corporation 246 Market St., Lowell

Momma’s Man [2008] Thursday, July 16 / 7 p.m. Part of the Cinema at Studio A film series Lowell Telecommunications Corporation 246 Market St., Lowell

"The Fighter"

Anyone else think “Ted” would be perfect for this movie?

Open Casting Call for “The Fighter”Sat., May 30th

Boston Casting, a local feature film casting company, is holding an open casting call at the Lowell VFW Hall for a new Mark Wahlberg film, The Fighter. The casting call will be held from 10am – 4 pm, and is open to union and non-union actors who are 18 years of age and older. More information:

Hamtilton Canal

The City of Lowell and VHB will be the guests at the JAMBRA neighborhood group meeting on Wednesday, May 13th at 7PM to review the current concept design plans for the Hamilton Canal District infastructure work. The City secured VHB of Watertown to complete the design and engineering for the infrastructure work associated with the Hamilton Canal District. The following items will be presented at the meeting:
-Hamilton Canal District Phase I Infastructure design (on work site)
-Jackson Street design
-Permanenet Revere Street Bridge
-Revere Street Extension

PUBLIC MEETING – Wednesday, May 13th, 2009, 7PM at Cappy’s Copper Kettle, 245 Central St., Lowell, MA. Everyone is welcome.