Category Archives: Community Problems

UTEC to attend services to honor Corinna Ouer’s memory

From our Friends at UTEC

Please join us at the United Teen Equality Center to attend services to honor Corinna Ouer’s memory

Friday, January 7, 2011. Meet at UTEC at 2.00 PM. UTEC will provide rides to the Wake and Services from 2-4.30 pm (Dolan Funeral Home 106 Middlesex Street. North Chelmsford 01863). Following the wake, there we be a service at the Triratanaram Temple (21 Quigley Ave, N. Chelmsford) from 5-8pm. We will be back by 9 P.M and will drop off at your home.

Saturday, January 8, 2011. Arrive at UTEC at 8.00 AM. We will leave at 8.30 to join a funeral procession at 9am, starting at the Triratanaram Temple and ending at the Linwood Cemetery-Crematory (41 John Ward Avenue, Haverhill). Services will then continue back at the Temple and run from around 12-1. UTEC will provide rides to all services. Service will end by 1pm. Directly following the services, a remembrance ceremony for Corinna Oeur will be held in the UTEC gym.

Sign-up sheet for rides will be at UTEC. Please sign up and please don’t be late for rides. Message us on Facebook or call us at 978-856-3990.

Letter from Executive Director

The staff and youth members of the United Teen Equality Center are deeply saddened by the January 1st shootings on Grand Street. As you may have already heard from the various news reports, 8 young people were shot (all under the age of 21) and one young woman lost her life. We send our condolences to all of the young people who were affected that night, and especially to the family and loved ones of the late Corinna Ouer, only 20 years old.

It’s very troubling to start off 2011 with an incident of youth violence, and especially on this scale. It’s a great loss whenever young people in our city resort to violence. We take heart knowing that so many of Lowell’s young people get involved with UTEC and other positive options, to change their own lives and our community. We have to continue to prioritize the need to reach out to those young people who are the highest-risk in our community through a balanced approach and an increased investment in critically essential services such as employment, alternative education, outreach and wrap-around services.

In addition to combating gang and gun violence, we are also fighting against a variety of forces such as poverty and a lack of opportunities that create the space for such violence to occur.

UTEC thanks the Lower Highlands Neighborhood Association for their immediate action to bring together the community on Sunday afternoon. UTEC staff, teen members, and board members joined the gathering to show support and reach out to the young people in mourning. UTEC Streetworkers stayed at the homemade memorial that friends and neighbors established on Grand Street. “Every time I go to work, I give everything I have to youths like them,” Johnny, a member of the Streetworker team, told the Lowell Sun, speaking of the accused shooters.

Young people who seek a safe place and support can visit UTEC during our hours of operation (Mon-Fri from 9am-6 pm) or call UTEC any time at 978.856.3990.

Learn more about UTEC’s Streetworkers and their efforts to prevent youth violence at


Gregg Croteau, MSW

Executive Director


Please join the Lower Highlands Neighborhood Group (LHNG) on Sunday January 2nd at 2 PM in Armory Park to place purple ribbons along Grand Street in rememberance of the victims of ciolence that ocurred at 04 Grand Street on New Year’s Eve (ribbons will be provided by LHNG).

The event will begin at Armory Park at the corner of Westford and Grand Streets. The purpose of the event is to send a clear message throughout the Lower Highlands and the City of Lowell that violence will not be tolerated in our community.

For more information about LHNG go to

LPD Resident Survey Results

The Lowell Police Department web site has a link to the entire report.
Downtown residents had one of the highest response rates.
There is also a story in the SUN (which we don’t read) at

Meeting with LPD/LDNA/Bars on
Monday, May 17th, 7-8 PM
at the Mayor’s reception room, 2nd floor, City Hall.
Thank you very much to everyone who attended the meeting. Thanks as always to Chief Lavallee for getting us all together in the same room on a regular basis.
ps. I have a list of everyone who did NOT show up!

The next LDNA meeting will be
Monday, May 24th, 7PM at Caffe’ Paradiso.

déjà vu

I guess I should preface this with “déjà vu”.

There was a lengthy discussion Monday evening at the Downtown Neighborhood Association meeting about the re-opening of the former “Brian’s Ivy Hall” on Merrimac Street. Neighbors and Lowell Police Department had very bad experiences with this establishment in the past. There were a series of events similar to what occurred last night at the El Rincon on Central St. large-scale crowd fights, destruction of property, cars with amplified music blocking roadway; all of this occurring between midnight at 3AM. This type of activity is disruptive to residents, imagine being school-age child that has to get up in the morning, and it’s quite distressing to elderly residents to be woken in the night by this kind of craziness (and I hate to be selfish but I actually get up early in the morning to go to work).

All-in-all it is just inappropriate behavior for a city street at any time day or night. It also portrays a negative image which potentially effects nearby businesses. At a difficult economic time when bars downtown are already suffering financially; do we really need one more place like this?

Update: If you have a specific concern there will be a public hearing at 3PM on Thursday regaring the license to re-open “Brian’s Ivy Hall”public hearing
Application by BEKS, Inc., d/b/a Brian’s Ivy Hall, Kevin Hayhurst, President, for an all alcoholic beverages Restaurant license for premises at 74 Merrimack Street, third floor only, ingress and egress along north and south stairwells, one room for bar/restaurant/nightclub approx. 4,400 sq. ft.
It is requested that Kevin Hayhurst be approved as manager of record for BEKS, Inc.
BEKS, Inc. has filed applications for the following minor licenses for premises at 74 Merrimack Street: common victualler; entertainment in a licensed restaurant for live music, disc jockey, juke box; and automatic amusement device.


It’s the magical month of April again… and I was thrilled to read Rob’s blog today:

There’s a reason we appreciate this guy….and all of the people who work for him.

“How to Make a Downtown Great"

The Lowell Plan and the City of Lowell invite you to participate in a discussion with nationally renowned city planner Jeff Speck

Saturday, April 10th10:00 a.m. – Noon
MCC’s Federal Building50 Kearney Sq.
The discussion on progressivedevelopment, streetscapes, public
transportation, walkability, and more is free and open to the public.

For information call


There are some things the SUN does well; city council election coverage for instance.

Today they have posted a “HEALTHCARE AND YOU” SECTION AT
that contains scenerios how Healthcare reform will affect individuals.
And I will not even fault them for not coming close to a scenerio that fits my own life because I see this as a valuable tool for understanding the changes.

Community Resource Sharing

CSP Community Forum Presents:
“Community Resource Sharing”
Who?: The Community and Social Psychology (CSP) graduate students at UMass Lowell invite you to engage in discussion about hot topics in Lowell.
What?: A discussion about how we can work to create a stronger sense of community and support localism by making resources more accessible and affordable for everyone.
When?: Wednesday, March 24th 2010 from 7:00-8:30pm
Where?: Pollard Memorial Library
401 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA. 01852
Why?: By discovering the needs of Lowell citizens we will be better able to help one another fulfill those needs. Resource sharing is a great way to create affordability as well as availability, while also building a sense of community.
* Light snacks and beverages will be provided.
* Join us on the web for pre and post forum discussions at