Category Archives: Community Problems

CSP Community Forum

CSP Community Forum Presents:
“Community Resource Sharing”

Who?: The Community and Social Psychology (CSP) graduate students at UMass Lowell invite you to engage in discussion about hot topics in Lowell.

What?: A discussion about how we can work to create a stronger sense of community and support localism by making resources more accessible and affordable for everyone.

When?: Wednesday, March 24th 2010 from 7:00-8:30pm

Where?: Pollard Memorial Library
401 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA. 01852

Why?: By discovering the needs of Lowell citizens we will be better able to help one another fulfill those needs. Resource sharing is a great way to create affordability as well as availability, while also building a sense of community.

Light snacks and beverages will be provided.
Join us on the web for pre and post forum discussions at

Herding Cats

Herding Cats

A Joint fundraiser between the Brush Art Gallery & Studios and Billerica Cat Care Coalition (a no-kill organization) to benefit homeless and feral cats.

Exhibition Dates: September 24 through October 25, 2009

Exhibition Opening: Saturday, October 3, 2 – 4 PM.

Meet the artists and see beautiful artwork. Free admission.

Fundraising Event: Friday, October 2, 7 – 9 PM. Click here to purchase on-line tickets.>

Delicious food and wine. Win baskets of gifts for cats and the people they own, services at area vets, a 10% discount on exhibition artwork, more!

Meet the Cats and Kittens: Saturday, October 17, 2 – 4 PM. Meet adorable cats and kittens looking for good homes. See films about the work the Billerica Cat Care Coalition does. Meet the wonderful folks from the BCCC.

Cakes for Cats: Saturday, October 17, 2 – 4 PM. Girls Incorporated of Greater Lowell will be selling cakes, cookies and brownies to raise funds for the cats! All events take place at the Brush Art Gallery & Studios.


I received the below communication from city manager, Bernie Lynch. It appears some of the most important issues, improved crosswalks, additional lighting will be getting underway shortly. Yeah!

The work about to get underway in the Downtown as a result of the 2007 City Manager’s Summit Series consists of roadway repairs and pedestrian safety enhancements along Shattuck Street, Palmer Street, Middle Street and Central Street. The work consists of the installation of cement concrete crosswalks, sidewalk repair, and wheelchair ramp reconstruction at eight intersections through the Downtown. Additionally, the work includes cobblestone repair at Palmer Street and Middles Street and the full depth pavement reconstruction and minor realignment of the intersection of Market Street, Central Street and Prescott Street. Wheelchair ramps and sidewalk repairs will be reconstructed to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Architectural Access Board (AAB) standards to the maximum extent practicable.

The work includes unclassified excavation, cement concrete excavation, cobblestone repair, full depth hot mix asphalt pavement, minor drainage modifications, granite curb, cement concrete crosswalks, cement concrete walk, remove and reset brick walk, cement concrete wheelchair ramps and other incidental work.

The most significant piece of this work will be the removal and re-use of the granite slabs and cobbles from the intersection of Market/Prescott/Central. New crosswalks will compliment the historic nature of the downtown but will provide a smooth walking surface for increased safety and walkability. Each new crosswalk will be outlined by reused, 16 inch wide, granite slabs, but the interior of the crosswalk will be a smooth, 8 foot wide, concrete panel with a scoring pattern consistent with Downtown sidewalk surfaces. …below are targeted for the new crosswalks.

Another significant improvement will be the removal of the asphalt patches on the cobbled streets of Middle and Palmer. The work will result in the return of our historic cobblestone streets without the unsightly black asphalt patching that has distracted from their beauty over the years. Other sidewalk repairs, including cracked concrete panels and bricked areas that have seen significant wear and tear, will be done selectively. This works hopes to enhance the special sense of place created by the cobblestone streets and is the first piece of what we hope will be a more extensive project to include further repairs, traffic signal improvements, installation of additional Victorian lighting and beautification by placement of bike rings, benches, trash receptacles and street trees.

Crossings on Central @ at Market/Prescott
Crossing Shattuck @ Merrimack
Crossing Palmer @ Merrimack
Crossing Palmer @ Market
Crossing Market @ Central
Crossings at Middle/Palmer Intersection
Crossing Middle @ Shattuck
Crossing Middle @ Central
Crossing Shattuck at Market
Crossing Prescott @ Central

LDNA meeting
Monday, August 24th, 7PM at The Revolving Museum
Agenda items:
Downtown newsletter
Potential new meeting venue
City Council Candidates

I just heard from UMASS that representatives unable to attend Monday night…no big surprise…
I have heard from a few city council candidates who are planning to attend to “introduce” themselves. I think this is a much better use of our time and the city council certainly has a much greater impact on what happens in our daily lives, as well as what happens to our personal budgets.
I also asked LPD to give any further updates on the incident that may/may not have started at El Rincon Sat/Sun which led to the stabbing on Warren St. I also inquired to our SUN reporter as to why there was no mention of this life-threatening attack in our local paper… he did add what info he could get to his blog:

Save-these-dates; more info soon…
Saturday, October 3rd – JAMBRA Yard-Sale. Good opportunity to get rid of stuff!
Wednesday, October 14th – City Council Candidate Forum

Tavaryna Choeun

Shooter in Choeun case held without bail after pleading innocent in Superior Court
It’s not much…but at least this man is not going anywhere and will have to face the reality of what he has done.
These kids participated in the “Rally for Peace” after the murder of Tavaryna Cheoun. I had an opportunity to meet many of them. Like all of our children; this is the next generation and they need our support.
If you can, please attend; if you can’t make it; send them $8. to support their youth programs.
Dance for Peace
Come and join the next generation of Lowellians as they put on a performance in the name of ending strife. The Annual Dance 4 Peace event is at the Lowell Auditorium and is a collaborative effort between many of the youth programs in the City.
Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for youth; the latter price is reduced to $3 if you bring a children’s book to donate. All proceeds go to the Quoc Le Scholarship Fund, which will be awarded to a Teen Coalition youth. Bring the whole family to this great event!Wed., Aug. 5, 7- 10pm.
For more information call Monica Veth at 978-337-4572.

Lowell chief blasts ‘lenient’ License Commission

UPDATE: Not this specific subject; but excellent news for Lowell.

Federal grant will provide 12 police officers in Lowell
Lowell Police will receive more than $2 million from the federal government to hire 12 police officers.
The money is part of a $1 billion program that will provide money to hire 131 officers across the state, and nearly 5,000 nationally, Vice President Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder said in a release.
The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) will oversee the program. Federal officials said only 1 in 7 grant applications was approved.
To accept the grant, Lowell must agree to hire the officers for four years. The grant will pay only for the first three years.
For more on this story, see Wednesday’s Sun and watch

Just got this from SUN on-line:

“People visiting the city don’t want to see drunken hooligans,” Lavallee said. “They want an environment that is safe and secure. The downtown economy is better served by folks following the letter of the law.”

YEAH!!! You go Chief!
I’ll throw in my 2 cents… read the article and notice all the bars the Chief DOES NOT mention. Chief Lavallee has really done an outstanding job of fostering communication with “drinking establishments” downtown and there are only a few (they are all fairly “new” to the neighborhood) that have no regard for the problems their patrons create when they walk out the door.

‘hood stuff

Tuesday July 14th, 6:30 PM – City Council meeting. Please note on the agenda Councilor Milinazzo has a motion to for an independent legal investigation into whether the council violated the city (Plan E) charter when they voted not to fund assistant city manager, Andy Sheehan’s position.
I am not in the habit of editorializing… however, this motion by a councilor who publicly acknowledged she did it “because she doesn’t like him…” or some such nonsense…SCREAMS out for top honors in the WTF? category. Stay-tuned…I can not imagine one other councilor besides Mr. Milinazzo would possibly have the courage to vote in favor of this motion. To put it simply…this is sad, sad, sad for the city.

Which leads me to remind everyone: Petitions for an initiatve to be placed on this November’s ballot are due within the next week. If have the petition, please call or send me an email at:

Wednesday July 15th, and EVERY Wednesday – Traditional Irish Music at The Old Court

Every Friday, 2-7 PM – Farmer’s Market – JFK Plaza

Police probe triple shooting in Lowell

Will someone explain to me how we get people to JUST STOP this?

Update: Since no one has any suggestions for aforementioned question…and if they did; I would not have need to ask…

from the SUN
“…a Lawrence man, was arrested Saturday and charged with assault with intent to murder, illegal possession of a firearm, illegal possession of ammunition, and discharging a firearm in connection with the University Avenue shooting, police said. “

As usual…thank you to all at LPD that do an amazing job.

Victorian Garden

HUGE Thanks to my friend Richard who hauled his lawnmower downtown to cut the grass in the Victorian Garden. It looks fabulous!!!

Now if everyone can take a look in their “grannies garage” and see if you can find an old “push mower”…we can keep this nice all year.

City Building Workshops

From Mr. Lynch’s blog…
Goody Clancy and Associates will be holding its second round of public vision sessions, or “City Building Workshops,”
Following is the schedule and location for each session.
• Back Central Neighborhood: Tuesday, May 26. 6:00PM – 8:00PM Massachusetts Alliance for Portuguese Speakers, 11 Mill Street
• Lower Highlands Neighborhood: Wednesday, May 27. 6:00PM – 8:00PM Lowell Boy’s & Girl’s Club; 657 Middlesex Street
Downtown/ JAM Neighborhood: Thursday, May 28. 6:30PM – 8:30PM Pollard Library; Community Meeting Room, 401 Merrimack Street
• The Acre Neighborhood: Tuesday, June 2. 6:00PM – 8:00PM Lowell Senior Center; 276 Broadway

…For more information on regarding the workshops please contact Aaron Clausen at 978-446-7200. CONTACT: Aaron Clausen Lowell, Division of Planning and Development p. 978-446-7200