Category Archives: Winterfest

About last night…and all the other nights

Here’s a thought…everyone who has commented or has a suggestion on how we find balance…and by balance I mean let’s keep everyone in business (but hold them accountable for compliance with existing regulations) and keep residents from moving (because the city does not need another round of empty buildings)…consider attending the meeting on Thursday night so we can have a constructive conversation about our neighborhood. No rants…no pointing fingers…this is a great neighborhood and a great city…and it should be open for everyone to share. In the meantime GET OUT AND ENJOY WINTERFEST! There is soup and hot chocolate to be tasted and Human Sled Dog races to be run…kids skating at the Arena…we’ll pick this up again next week.



What’s a democrat to do? I’ll be inconsolable for few days…

The big issue on my mind today; are we all going to have to buy new clothes? Republicans are all so well-dressed; perfectly coiffed and well let’s face it they all look like Scott Brown and Monica Crowley. What’s a frumpy New England democrat to do?

This could be great for all those downtown nail and hair salons; we’ll all be getting $300. low lights and having our nails done weekly. I bet even Giovanni’s does well; they have a nice selection of stiletto’s…and we’ll all be wearing those while precariously trying to navigate the cobblestone streets while our toes turn blue from the cold. I also think this will be a great opportunity for Marc Caputo to use his outstanding design skills to teach us all how to put together an outfit…not to mention accessorize (I had to spell-check that word). I guess I’ll have to just look at it as a learning experience. Eleni I need help!!!

Now that that’s out of the way…I can get on to thinking about the more important issues like:
Will Marshall’s be replaced with Stein Mart?
Will Lady Antebellum replace Joshua Tree at Winterfest?

Lowell on Discovery Channel

The Discovery Channel Showcases Winterfest’s Ever-Popular
Human Dogsled Competition!
Tuesday, March 24
10 – 11PM
The Discovery Channel
(Comcast channel 39)
Tune in to the Discovery Channel’s Wreckreation Nation with Steve Mordal and watch Steve experience the one and only National Human Dogsled Championship! This Winterfest tradition brought Steve to the City of Lowell to go head-to-head with over 30 other human dogsled teams to compete for the title of “top dog!”