Category Archives: Neighborhood Improvements

Missing Caffe’ Paradiso

While watching this particular segment of the Newshour tonight it prompted some thoughts which I will share, but these are only mine and not a collective thought of LDNA:

Watch the segment and although I have zero expertise in this area it sounded so practical and logical to me and brought me back to thoughts I commented on Greg’s blog;

regarding finding a way in a stripped down budget and economy to increase the number of police officers in the city. For anyone who attended our January meeting you’ll know that asst. to CM Mr. Marchand very practically reminded me that if the city increase taxes there will be demands from every department for increased funding. I will maintain my position here; “how many kids have to die before public safety becomes our priority and everything else comes next”? According to Chief Lavallee with the current number of police officers (200, optimal number being 268) his department has become a reactive v. a proactive department. The city council has been working on goals and objectives and I would like to see finding a way to maintain our police department at the top of the list. I suspect the top of the list will be attracting new business and residents. If people do not feel safe here this might as well go to the bottom of the list.

So back to why I miss the Caffe’…for those who are new to the neighborhood you missed all those very late nights when we sat around until the wee hours of the morning discussing national/city/neighborhood issues. I miss officer (Yanni) Boutselis driving by when the caffe’ was closed and we would still be hanging around on the sidewalk talking (and sometimes singing or making up our own poems) saying, “you people really need to go home”.

Now that we are all scattered in various places around the neighborhood we rarely have an opportunity to have that collective conversation (Market St. Market on Sunday mornings is somewhat of a replacement). So as suggested by someone who will remain nameless…I would like to encourage people to attend our monthly LDNA meetings and to implement more no-agenda times for us to discuss whatever is on people’s minds. Of course this will take a commitment to going back to cookies & wine at meetings but I’m willing to find the time to make cookies to create a more communal atmosphere for everyone.

Meeting with LPD/LDNA/Bars on
Monday, May 17th, 7-8 PM
at the Mayor’s reception room, 2nd floor, City Hall.
Thank you very much to everyone who attended the meeting. Thanks as always to Chief Lavallee for getting us all together in the same room on a regular basis.
ps. I have a list of everyone who did NOT show up!

The next LDNA meeting will be
Monday, May 24th, 7PM at Caffe’ Paradiso.


“How to Make a Downtown Great"

The Lowell Plan and the City of Lowell invite you to participate in a discussion with nationally renowned city planner Jeff Speck

Saturday, April 10th10:00 a.m. – Noon
MCC’s Federal Building50 Kearney Sq.
The discussion on progressivedevelopment, streetscapes, public
transportation, walkability, and more is free and open to the public.

For information call

Community Resource Sharing

CSP Community Forum Presents:
“Community Resource Sharing”
Who?: The Community and Social Psychology (CSP) graduate students at UMass Lowell invite you to engage in discussion about hot topics in Lowell.
What?: A discussion about how we can work to create a stronger sense of community and support localism by making resources more accessible and affordable for everyone.
When?: Wednesday, March 24th 2010 from 7:00-8:30pm
Where?: Pollard Memorial Library
401 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA. 01852
Why?: By discovering the needs of Lowell citizens we will be better able to help one another fulfill those needs. Resource sharing is a great way to create affordability as well as availability, while also building a sense of community.
* Light snacks and beverages will be provided.
* Join us on the web for pre and post forum discussions at


Neighborhood Clean-up Days:
Earth Day Event at the Community Greenhouse
Sunday 4/18 12-4 PM

Downtown Neighborhood Clean up
Saturday April 24, 9 -12

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Lowell Riverwalk will be closed along that portion that runs behind the LeLacheur Park Outfield Wall (between Aiken Street and UML Campus) beginning Monday, February 15th through the period of repairs and replacement of the Outfield Wall.
For more information, please contact:
City of Lowell
Division of Planning & Development at 978-446-7200