Category Archives: Neighborhood Improvements

Neighborhood SubCommittee Meeting

Imagine my surprise to just get home and hear the city council going on about how wonderful it is that neighborhood groups are invited to participate in the neighborhood subcommittee meetings regarding the effects on traffic in the areas surrounding the Hamilton Canal District!
Specifically mentioning downtown, the Acre, Lower Highlands.
You would think somone from the neighorhood would have known about such a meeting. As it turns out… I was notified about 5:30 for a meeting that started at 5:00.
So let me just apologize to anyone who would have liked to attend.


I received the below communication from city manager, Bernie Lynch. It appears some of the most important issues, improved crosswalks, additional lighting will be getting underway shortly. Yeah!

The work about to get underway in the Downtown as a result of the 2007 City Manager’s Summit Series consists of roadway repairs and pedestrian safety enhancements along Shattuck Street, Palmer Street, Middle Street and Central Street. The work consists of the installation of cement concrete crosswalks, sidewalk repair, and wheelchair ramp reconstruction at eight intersections through the Downtown. Additionally, the work includes cobblestone repair at Palmer Street and Middles Street and the full depth pavement reconstruction and minor realignment of the intersection of Market Street, Central Street and Prescott Street. Wheelchair ramps and sidewalk repairs will be reconstructed to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Architectural Access Board (AAB) standards to the maximum extent practicable.

The work includes unclassified excavation, cement concrete excavation, cobblestone repair, full depth hot mix asphalt pavement, minor drainage modifications, granite curb, cement concrete crosswalks, cement concrete walk, remove and reset brick walk, cement concrete wheelchair ramps and other incidental work.

The most significant piece of this work will be the removal and re-use of the granite slabs and cobbles from the intersection of Market/Prescott/Central. New crosswalks will compliment the historic nature of the downtown but will provide a smooth walking surface for increased safety and walkability. Each new crosswalk will be outlined by reused, 16 inch wide, granite slabs, but the interior of the crosswalk will be a smooth, 8 foot wide, concrete panel with a scoring pattern consistent with Downtown sidewalk surfaces. …below are targeted for the new crosswalks.

Another significant improvement will be the removal of the asphalt patches on the cobbled streets of Middle and Palmer. The work will result in the return of our historic cobblestone streets without the unsightly black asphalt patching that has distracted from their beauty over the years. Other sidewalk repairs, including cracked concrete panels and bricked areas that have seen significant wear and tear, will be done selectively. This works hopes to enhance the special sense of place created by the cobblestone streets and is the first piece of what we hope will be a more extensive project to include further repairs, traffic signal improvements, installation of additional Victorian lighting and beautification by placement of bike rings, benches, trash receptacles and street trees.

Crossings on Central @ at Market/Prescott
Crossing Shattuck @ Merrimack
Crossing Palmer @ Merrimack
Crossing Palmer @ Market
Crossing Market @ Central
Crossings at Middle/Palmer Intersection
Crossing Middle @ Shattuck
Crossing Middle @ Central
Crossing Shattuck at Market
Crossing Prescott @ Central