Category Archives: Traffic

Jackson Street Construction

King Steet Closing

Message from DPD

King Steet, at the end of Jackson Street, will be closed as part of the DCAM Lowell Trial Court Project, starting at 7AM on Tuesday September 7th. The area will be enclosed with a chain link fence and concrete barriers placed at either end of King Street (at Middlesex and Jackson).

Access between Jackson Street and Middlesex Street will not be impacted by this work. Canal Street will remain open to two-way traffic throughout the project.

Traffic Concerns Projected For This Coming Tuesday

On Tuesday Morning March 23, 2010 from approximately 8:00 am until approximately 3:00 PM a film crew from CBS Broadcasting will be filming outdoors in front of the Holden Center, formally the Saint Joseph’s Hospital on Pawtucket St. between Salem and Merrimack Streets. During this time there will be brief periods in which traffic will be delayed. Lowell Police Officers will be on hand to assist the flow and detouring of vehicles as necessary. The Lowell Police Department is encouraging commuters that normally travel over this section of Pawtucket St. to allow for extra time or seek an alternative route on this date. Every effort has been made to minimize the inconvenience that this event may cause.


Neighborhood SubCommittee Meeting

Imagine my surprise to just get home and hear the city council going on about how wonderful it is that neighborhood groups are invited to participate in the neighborhood subcommittee meetings regarding the effects on traffic in the areas surrounding the Hamilton Canal District!
Specifically mentioning downtown, the Acre, Lower Highlands.
You would think somone from the neighorhood would have known about such a meeting. As it turns out… I was notified about 5:30 for a meeting that started at 5:00.
So let me just apologize to anyone who would have liked to attend.