Category Archives: Cobblestones

Jackson St. Improvements

An update from James Errickson, DPD

On November 11, 2011 (Veteran’s Day), the City’s contractors for this project will be “cold-planing” the street in preparation for the eventual paving of Jackson Street . This may cause traffic disruptions on Jackson Street during the day. Following this step, the final paving of Jackson Street will be scheduled, for which the City intends to complete prior to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend (pending weather conditions and materials supply).


The next phase of the long anticipated project to remove the cobblestones on Central Street from Market St. to Appleton St. is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 13th at 8:00 p.m. This will be an overnight project with a second night on Thursday September 15th (if necessary).

The work to be performed is the removal of the cobbles from the intersection of Central and Middlesex Streets. Work will be done in one travel lane and then switch to the other side. Police details will be on site to assist with traffic flow.

Since this phase involves working directly in the intersections, the decision was made to perform the work at night to minimize traffic disruptions. There will be some noise generated by this construction. While we will work to keep that to a minimum, it cannot be eliminated.
The Parking Dept. will be placing bags on the meters/space numbers. In order to shorten the duration of the project, the work will be conducted during the day and some nights. We will try to balance the work load to minimize the impact.
As with any construction project, there is the expectation that the short-term disruption and inconvenience will result in the long-term benefit of improved travel conditions for both vehicles and pedestrians.
We know how important a smooth driving surface is to all who use our downtown and this project is a big step towards providing that. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this project.

Any questions can be directed to the City Engineer’s office at 978-970-3330

Central St. work update


Lowell, MA (August 30, 2011) – The next phase of the long anticipated project to remove the cobblestones on Central Street from Market St. to Appleton St. is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, August 31st at 8:00 p.m. This overnight project will run for two consecutive nights.

The work to be performed is the removal of the cobbles from the intersections. Work will be done in one travel lane and then switch to the other side. Police details will be on site to assist with traffic flow.

Since this phase involves working directly in the intersections, the decision was made to perform the work at night to minimize traffic disruptions. There will be some noise generated by this construction. While we will work to keep that to a minimum, it cannot be eliminated.

The Parking Dept. will be placing bags on the meters/space numbers. In order to shorten the duration of the project, the work will be conducted during the day and some nights. We will try to balance the work load to minimize the impact.

As with any construction project, there is the expectation that the short-term disruption and inconvenience will result in the long-term benefit of improved travel conditions for both vehicles and pedestrians.

We know how important a smooth driving surface is to all who use our downtown and this project is a big step towards providing that. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this project.

Any questions can be directed to the City Engineer’s office at 978-970-3330


The long anticipated cobblestone work to Central Street from Market St. to Appleton St. is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, August 24th at 5.30 a.m.

As with any construction project, there is the expectation that the short-term disruption and inconvenience will result in the long-term benefit of improved travel conditions for both vehicles and pedestrians.

The whole project involves removing cobbles at the intersections and along the gutter line. The first task will be the removal of cobbles along the curb line. The cobbles will be removed and replaced with asphalt. There can be no vehicles parked at the curb during this operation which should take about a week. Parking is available at both the Early Garage at 135 Middlesex St. and the Roy Garage at 100 Market St. The schedule of the next phase will be announced at the end of this phase.

The Parking Dept. will be placing bags on the meters/space numbers the night before. In order to shorten the duration of the project, the work will be conducted during the day and some nights. We will try to balance the work load to minimize the impact.

We know how important a smooth driving surface is to all who use our downtown and this project is a big step towards providing that. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this project. Any questions can be directed to Lisa DeMeo, City EngineerPhone: 978-970-3330

Central Street Projects to begin AUGUST

Two projects will be beginning very soon in close proximity to each other…

1.Repairs to crosswalks/sidewalks at Central/Middlesex/Gorham (yeah!). The work is expected start this week and take 6 weeks to complete. CM’s office says work will be done at night and advertised in advance” through the city web site, SUN and neighborhood groups. I do not yet see any information on the city web site. I will post any information as I get it on this web page and our Facebook.

2.Back in June you may recall there was a meeting held by ENEL to provide information about the Central St. bridge construction that will begin approx. August 22nd and is expected to take 4 months. Daily construction hours will be 7AM to 5PM however there are portions of the work that will have to be completed during night time hours. Below are a few slides from the presentation. I have emailed the entire presentation to LDNA members. I will likewise post on any updates.

New Year

January 1, 2011, 2:24 AM

I have been out wandering the neighborhood tonight. There were lots of wonderful first night celebrations going on…I stopped in at Centro where all was lovely and warm and celebratory. At Garcia Brogans there was a great crowd of peole listening to covers of tunes that I was amazed these kids knew; many of the members of the band live here in the ‘hood”.

STOP! There was a shooting at (or near) the 7 Eleven at the Lord Overpass. Not the way you want a neighborhood to start a new year. I happen upon a SUN reporter and Rob Mills is on this so I’m sure we will hear more in the morning. In the meantime say a prayer and hope that no one is hurt and it is jut some rambunctious new year craziness.

Taking a spin around the block…there are about 80 people standing in front of Brian’s Ivy Hall on Merrimack St. (and not the happy friendly ones I’ve seen elsewhere) usual mayhem for this place. This one is beyond me; I have no idea why this place is not taken-to-task by someone about what goes on outside at night.

The Old Court and Hookslides are looking very peaceful. There was a wedding tonight at The Smokehouse; people rented the whole place and everyone is lovely and it is a really cool event.

Round the bend; tonight is “Fetish Night” upstairs at the Blue Shamrock. Costumes abound…I had to stop in wonder of where one finds all that gear. 6-inch heels on cobblestones was worth watching for awhile…they have carried the party into the garage now. Good luck to anyone tryin got sleep at Canal Place.

All-in-all as I wander around I am always astounded by what happens here in our neighborhood at night. It may seem even more astounding to those who don’t live here how much I love this place and I’m never worried about walking around at 2:30 AM. As busy as they are with more serious issues our LPD are here walking the streets keeping an eye on the revelers and I have a great sense of peace knowing I’ll see my friends and neighbors tomorrow at the Market.

Happy New Year to All!

Downtown Lowell Revitalization Project-Phase 1

It would be helpful if everyone would pass this along to their neighbors, specifically those who are sight-impaired as this may impact their daily routines.

If anyone has problems for need more information, please contact Ann Barton or Diane Tradd at DPD.

From DPD and S&R Corportation:
S&R will begin working on Monday Sept. 21st on this project.
We will start on Middle Street between Central & Palmer Street taking half the street. This will mean that parking is restricted but that vehicle and pedestrian access is retained.
Expect a crew of approx. 8-15 people, some noise, and hopefully minimal dust.


I received the below communication from city manager, Bernie Lynch. It appears some of the most important issues, improved crosswalks, additional lighting will be getting underway shortly. Yeah!

The work about to get underway in the Downtown as a result of the 2007 City Manager’s Summit Series consists of roadway repairs and pedestrian safety enhancements along Shattuck Street, Palmer Street, Middle Street and Central Street. The work consists of the installation of cement concrete crosswalks, sidewalk repair, and wheelchair ramp reconstruction at eight intersections through the Downtown. Additionally, the work includes cobblestone repair at Palmer Street and Middles Street and the full depth pavement reconstruction and minor realignment of the intersection of Market Street, Central Street and Prescott Street. Wheelchair ramps and sidewalk repairs will be reconstructed to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Architectural Access Board (AAB) standards to the maximum extent practicable.

The work includes unclassified excavation, cement concrete excavation, cobblestone repair, full depth hot mix asphalt pavement, minor drainage modifications, granite curb, cement concrete crosswalks, cement concrete walk, remove and reset brick walk, cement concrete wheelchair ramps and other incidental work.

The most significant piece of this work will be the removal and re-use of the granite slabs and cobbles from the intersection of Market/Prescott/Central. New crosswalks will compliment the historic nature of the downtown but will provide a smooth walking surface for increased safety and walkability. Each new crosswalk will be outlined by reused, 16 inch wide, granite slabs, but the interior of the crosswalk will be a smooth, 8 foot wide, concrete panel with a scoring pattern consistent with Downtown sidewalk surfaces. …below are targeted for the new crosswalks.

Another significant improvement will be the removal of the asphalt patches on the cobbled streets of Middle and Palmer. The work will result in the return of our historic cobblestone streets without the unsightly black asphalt patching that has distracted from their beauty over the years. Other sidewalk repairs, including cracked concrete panels and bricked areas that have seen significant wear and tear, will be done selectively. This works hopes to enhance the special sense of place created by the cobblestone streets and is the first piece of what we hope will be a more extensive project to include further repairs, traffic signal improvements, installation of additional Victorian lighting and beautification by placement of bike rings, benches, trash receptacles and street trees.

Crossings on Central @ at Market/Prescott
Crossing Shattuck @ Merrimack
Crossing Palmer @ Merrimack
Crossing Palmer @ Market
Crossing Market @ Central
Crossings at Middle/Palmer Intersection
Crossing Middle @ Shattuck
Crossing Middle @ Central
Crossing Shattuck at Market
Crossing Prescott @ Central

Historic Cobblestones

This from today’s Globe.

I almost missed the headline, but the photo certainly caught my attention.
….“Delivery men hate it. Plows hate. But it sure looks nice,”…
photo: David L. Ryan/Globe Staff)