Category Archives: JAM

Jackson St. Improvements

An update from James Errickson, DPD

On November 11, 2011 (Veteran’s Day), the City’s contractors for this project will be “cold-planing” the street in preparation for the eventual paving of Jackson Street . This may cause traffic disruptions on Jackson Street during the day. Following this step, the final paving of Jackson Street will be scheduled, for which the City intends to complete prior to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend (pending weather conditions and materials supply).

Upcoming Construction Informational Meeting – Central Street Bridge Construction

Can you say traffic nightmare? Everyone please try to attend…even if you are still tired from Monday night Cook-out.

Construction Informational Meeting for the Central Street Bridge Construction Project.

Date: 6/28/11
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Middlesex Community College
, Morse Federal Building ( 50 Kearney Square ), Assembly Room

Jackson St. Improvements

It’s difficult to believe that by fall you’ll be walking down a sidewalk on a tree lined Jackson St. How sweet is that!

NOTICE: Starting Monday, May 23, 2011, Jackson Street will be converted to one-way traffic from Marston Street to Central Street in order to complete the pedestrian and streetscape improvements along this stretch of roadway. Construction will last approximately 1-2 months.

As can be seen, the Jackson Street and Canal Street Bridge Improvement Project is underway! To date, work has included selective demolition, site preparation, and utility relocation/connection activities, among others. The next step in the project is to focus construction on the north side of Jackson Street from Marston Street to Central Street (in front of the Early Garage to Central Street ).

Because this work requires extensive excavation of a significant portion of the roadway, the City will be restricting Jackson Street to one-way traffic from Marston Street to Central Street to complete this portion of the project (approximately 1-2 months). This will allow the contractor to most efficiently and safely complete the improvements along this stretch of Jackson Street .

City Police, DPD, Traffic, and Engineering staff are currently working closely with the project’s contractor to ensure the traffic plan is properly and safely signed, marketed, and implemented.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your patience during the completion of this neighborhood improvement project!

James Errickson | Urban Renewal Project Manager
The City of Lowell
Department of Planning & Development
50 Arcand Drive | Lowell , MA 01852
t: 978.446.7200 | f: 978.970.4262 |

Jackson Street Construction

We’ll be taking the LONG way for awhile

Starting Monday, September 20th pedestrian access through the Hamilton Canal District (HCD) site will no longer be available. Access will be restricted through the spring of 2011, when the Hamilton Canal and Trestle Bridge walkway project is anticipated to be open connecting the Merrimack Canal walkway with Jackson Street .

Trinity, the Master Developer for the HCD, will be completing on site roadway construction in the location of the current pedestrian walkway, thereby rendering pedestrian access through the site unsafe. Pedestrians should seek alternate routes around the HCD and are encouraged to utilize safe routes on existing sidewalks.

King Steet Closing

Message from DPD

King Steet, at the end of Jackson Street, will be closed as part of the DCAM Lowell Trial Court Project, starting at 7AM on Tuesday September 7th. The area will be enclosed with a chain link fence and concrete barriers placed at either end of King Street (at Middlesex and Jackson).

Access between Jackson Street and Middlesex Street will not be impacted by this work. Canal Street will remain open to two-way traffic throughout the project.

“How to Make a Downtown Great"

The Lowell Plan and the City of Lowell invite you to participate in a discussion with nationally renowned city planner Jeff Speck

Saturday, April 10th10:00 a.m. – Noon
MCC’s Federal Building50 Kearney Sq.
The discussion on progressivedevelopment, streetscapes, public
transportation, walkability, and more is free and open to the public.

For information call