Category Archives: JAM



-DCAM Courthouse Demolition project:
-Testa, the general contractor, has been setting up material for processing which will begin once the concrete crusher is mobilized to the site early this week. The concrete crusher will be utilized for approximately two weeks and during this time the basement of 360 Jackson and 379 Middlesex St will be backfilled to final grade
-Paving of Revere St. has been delayed due to the unexpected elevation and location of existing utility lines. Appropriate utility companies have been contacted and are working with Testa to move their utility lines. Revere Street will be open by the end of the month
-Testa is anticipating demobilizing from the site by the end of this month.

Jackson Street & Other Pedestrian Improvements:
-The City anticipates preparing a bid package this fall for this pedestrian improvement project, with construction starting in the spring
-The project will include the construction/installation of sidewalks, lighting, and street trees along the north side of Jackson Street from Central Street to Revere Street, installation of legal short-term parallel parking along a portion of Jackson Street, construction of the new Hamilton Canal walkway, installation of a new Revere Street bridge, and pedestrian improvements to the Gallagher Terminal along the eastern edge of the Lord Overpass and Thorndike Street, including a new signalized pedestrian crossing at the access drive to the Gallagher Terminal.

Hamilton Canal District project construction timeline details:
-Trinity anticipates completing the financial closing for Phase I of the project by the end of this month;
-Construction start/notice to proceed scheduled for October 1, 2009;
-The first part of the project includes the demolition/dismantling of existing structure – From Oct. 2009 to May 2010
-Internal roadway work is anticipated to start 3rd quarter of 2010
-Construction completion estimated for Spring 2011

Hamilton Canal District project details:
-The first part of the Appleton Mill reconstruction project includes the demolition/dismantling of portions of the existing structure. The site is in very tough shape, so this is necessary to prepare the site for construction.
-Upon the issuance of the Notice to Proceed, Trinity’s general contractor, CWC Builders, will install a security fence around the entire construction site and provide security on site during the entire construction project. Emergency contact information will be posted on site.
-Construction vehicles will access the site by via Revere Street and the new temporary construction bridge, following Thorndike Street to the Lord Overpass, taking a right onto Middlesex Street then a left onto Revere Street. No construction vehicles will be accessing the site by traveling down Jackson Street.
-Work hours will be Monday through Friday from 7am to 3:30pm with the occasion day lasting until 5pm. However, you may see project managers and/or construction workers mobilizing on site as early at 6am;
-Those working at the construction site will be parking on site, so there will be no impact to available neighborhood parking.

Hamilton Canal District Vision Session

Old Walls. New Possibilities.
Join the Construction Start Vision Session for the Hamilton Canal District
Construction start is planned for the historic rehabilitation of the deteriorating Appleton Mills. Come and meet the general contractor and learn about the construction plans, schedule, and the process for applying for construction jobs.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 5:30 PM
Lowell Memorial Auditorium
50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell, MA
Everyone is welcome.
Please RSVP: 617-720-8400 or
For more information, please go to

And the walls came tumbling down…

Tommy Pesavento sent a link to his photo montage of the Jackson Street building demo progression, from start to finish, from a view high in the textile museum across the street.

Hamilton Canal District Update

By now I am sure that most of you have noticed that there is a lot of activity happening in the JAM Neighborhood and the Hamilton Canal District. I wanted to provide a brief update as to what is going on.

Temporary Bridge: The City is moving aggressively forward with the installation of the temporary bridge, which is being installed roughly 30 feet to the east of the existing permanent bridge across from Revere Street. Please note that due to the tight time schedule that we are keeping on this project, there is the need to complete work this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday (June 27th and 28th). A portion of the weekend work will take place on Jackson Street, but should not impact travel along Jackson Street.

Courthouse Site Demolition: The demolition contractor for the Courthouse site has started to mobilize equipment at the end of Jackson Street. The actual demolition work will be starting in the coming weeks. Work is scheduled to take place during the summer.

On-Site Preparation: The two story, southern portion of the Freudenburg building is being demolished. This project will be completed by the end of the month.
Thank you!

James Errickson Urban Renewal Project Manager

Hamtilton Canal

The City of Lowell and VHB will be the guests at the JAMBRA neighborhood group meeting on Wednesday, May 13th at 7PM to review the current concept design plans for the Hamilton Canal District infastructure work. The City secured VHB of Watertown to complete the design and engineering for the infrastructure work associated with the Hamilton Canal District. The following items will be presented at the meeting:
-Hamilton Canal District Phase I Infastructure design (on work site)
-Jackson Street design
-Permanenet Revere Street Bridge
-Revere Street Extension

PUBLIC MEETING – Wednesday, May 13th, 2009, 7PM at Cappy’s Copper Kettle, 245 Central St., Lowell, MA. Everyone is welcome.

Courthouse Deli

Court House Deli is now open!

155 Middlesex Street, next to Early Garage.

They are open Mon-Sat from 11:00-7:00pm.


"The Greening of Southie"

I saw this movie back in early 2008…mostly because the building is in my daughters’ neighborhood, and I had watched it grow every week. But my favorite part of the movie is the “Southie” construction workers (note: expect expletives). These guys give their perspective on “green building” which also grows throughout the project. If you can’t make this screening; I believe the movie is still available free on Comcast “on-demand”.

The Lowell Green Building Commission and the Lowell Film Collaborative, with the support of Enterprise Bank and Trust, present a screening of “The Greening of Southie” on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at the Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center theater. The event is free and open to the public.Set on the storied streets of South Boston, “The Greening of Southie” is an award-winning feature documentary about Boston’s first residential green building, the Macallen Building, and the skeptical workers who are asked to build it. Featured guest panelists at the Lowell premier will be Lisa Huang, project manager for the Macallen Building Project; Hank Keating, associate on design and construction with Trinity Financial working on the Lowell JAM Project; and Ken Koornneef, principal for Nobis Engineering, currently renovating office space in Lowell to green standards. All interested citizens, builders, and developers are especially invited to attend. For more information on the Green Building Commission, contact Aaron Clausen at 978-446-7200. For information on the Lowell Film Collaborative and its upcoming film events visit or email

Hamilton Canal Dirstrict

Hamilton Canal Dirstrict, Traffic Working Group Session. Thursday, August 7, 2008. 6:30 – 8:30 PM – Mayor’s Reception Room, 2nd Floor, Lowell City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street.

SUN has an article about the outcome of this meeting.

Hamtilton Canal

Thursday, August 7, 2008 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Mayor’s Reception Room, 2nd Floor, Lowell City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street
Please join in this working group session to review updates to the proposed Hamilton Canal District traffic mitigation plans based upon recent public comments and a review by independent engineers at TEC.
You can download maps and information at:


Since I was out-of-town, I missed the June meeting, I lifted this from the JAMBRA meeting notes.

A facade improvement program for the JAM neighborhood has been adopted. Called the JAM Flip Program, the city will provide a matching grant in amounts up to $25,000 for facade and landscape improvement. Information available at the DPD website:

Having talked to a few business owners in the JAM area who really wanted to improve the exterior of their spaces but lacked the funding, this is an exceptional idea. Since much of the JAM area is within an historic district, regulation requirements can dramatically increase the cost of an improvements.
During this year’s “Neighborhood Clean-Up Day” there was an overwhelming turn-out of volunteers in the JAM area. Many contractors, landscapers, donated time and materials to clean-up the area. For anyone who doesn’t get to Middlesex St. every morning, Tim Shanahan leads a group of volunteers, many from the Lowell Transitional Living Center, in keeping the area clean. It’s a wonderful statement about the future of the neighborhood.
You can get more at the JAMBRA wiki page.