Category Archives: Bars

License Commission Meeting Time

Pleased to find this SUN editorial regarding the License Commission. Well stated and also includes the suggestion of a compromise.

“In this case, we see a simple compromise that can satisfy both the business sector and the public.
The License Commission can hold a 3 p.m. meeting on the first Thursday of the month, followed by a 6:30 p.m. meeting on the third Thursday of the month.
Those who have business before the board can simply inform the commission’s executive secretary as to which slot is convenient for their schedule.
Of course, it won’t solve the problem of giving the same access to all the people all the time, but it is a start in the right direction. Over time, we’d prefer to see the 6:30 p.m. meeting time become the rule rather than the exception.
The License Commission performs a valuable function and does its job well. All it has to do now is become a bit more flexible in continuing its public service”.

Man stabbed in downtown Lowell

And more discussion over at Left-in-Lowell

Rob Mills has updated his story on-line

Thankfully the young man who was stabbed has been released from the hospital.
this situation does beg the question why the city continues to ignore repeated reports from Chief Lavallee about the escalating situation in this area.
There are some very simple and cost efficient things that could have been done immediately…enlist business owners to keep lights on at night, specifically in the parking lot of Paige & John where most of these fights occur; place surveillance cameras in the parking dept. office which is directly across from aformentioned parking lot and cameras at the corner of John & Merrimack Streets.

The city has committed considerable resources on surveillance to catch people illegally dumping trash; can we not do at least that much to improve public safety?

Rob Mills tells the very sad story and states the obvious about the neighborhood bickering…

Man stabbed in downtown Lowell
Posted by Police Line on January 15, 2012
The Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association, bar owners, the city administration and the License Commission are battling each other in an epic attempt to decide when to hold a meeting.

Meanwhile, a man was stabbed in downtown Lowell and flown to a Boston trauma center early this morning shortly after last call.

Police have not identified the man. I have no indication whatsoever whether alcohol was involved. Here is what I do know:

At about 2 a.m., a police sergeant called the “downtown portable,” a police unit assigned to patrol around downtown bars, to the area of Middle and Central streets to help deal with a “highly intoxicated” woman.

At the same time, a fight was reported in the area of Paige and Lee streets — a common trouble spot downtown when bars close, which has been discussed at prior public meetings.

Two cars who weren’t dealing with the situation on Middle Street were sent to Lee and Paige. By the time they arrived, they reported the fight was breaking up. There were no more radio transmissions regarding the fight.

At 2:12 a.m., an officer was sent to the emergency room at Lowell General Hospital, because a man had just walked into the ER with a stab wound…

Read the whole blog entry:

Downtown Bars

Spoke too soon…this one is ours.
From Channel 4 Eye Team
A man was arrested for allegedly attempting to punch Celtics guard Rajon Rondo outside a Lowell nightclub early Saturday morning.
Rondo was at Brian’s Ivy Hall on Merrimack Street in Lowell for a promotional appearance.

According to Mr. Hayburst, one of the clubs owners in a SUN article, “Rondo was unpersonable and disrespectful toward patrons.”

However Mr. Hayhurst told the Globe, “Rondo…didn’t seem aggressive at any point during the night…”

On Brian’s Ivy Hall Facebook page, “Get here early! Be prepared for yet ANOTHER CRAZY night!!.’ “ANOTHER CRAZY NIGHT AT Brian’s Ivy Hall!!! BEST CLUB IN LOWELL!!! LAST NIGHT 700 PEOPLE”

Unlike Mayor Menino; I have never seen our Mayor or a city councelor come downtown to see for themselves what is going on at 1:45 AM.

Downtown Bars

Not our downtown…Boston downtown. I like that fact Mayor Menino took the time to go see for himself.

4 Shot Outside ‘Troubled’ Boston Nightclub « CBS Boston

A few things from today’s SUN article…

“I took offense to this and I’ll tell you why,” Bayliss said. “This makes the License Commission look stupid.”

In my opinion it made the License Commission look INFORMED. Then there’s this…

“Bayliss even apologized to bar owners, saying that he has long told them to call police when issues arise, and agreeing that it seems they are being punished for that. “

I’ll add that the bar owners were the meeting even though they did not have to be there. I think that means they are serious about participating in the process and they certainly showed more respect for the chief than the commissioners did.

“Weicker: suggested either police or bar owners maintain a list of people who cause fights and other problems in bars so they could be barred from all bars in the city.

I am not an attorney…but as a citizen I have to hope there is some kind of law preventing this.

The same report will be discussed by the City Council’s Public Safety Subcommittee at a meeting Sept. 13th 5Pm prior to city council meeting. Anyone concerned about this issue is urged to attend.

I posted this on Rob’s facebook…but will share my thoughts about the License Commission meeting today.

Since I was at the meeting too I have to say a few things. 1. Respectfully to Mr. Bayliss; this is NOT about him or the License Commission. This is about everyone involved getting together and trying to determine what the future of the neighborhood is going to be; stop pointing fingers and come up with some solid ideas. In my opinion Chief Lavallee has identified a problem and he is reaching out to everyone involved looking for solutions 2. I’m sure the stats are up because more incidents are being reported. That does not mean there were less incidents. I could be wrong but I suspect this can be attributed to the current sector captain who was formerly in a neighborhood were REALLY bad things happen and the guy is probably wondering why on earth this nonsense is tolerated. 3. In my opinion the reason we can not attract better businesses downtown is because any serious business owner doing their due diligence is going to hang around the neighborhood at all hours for at least a few weeks…and probably thinking this is not the place for me. 4. People from Belvidere should not have to look at there watch and think “It’s almost 10; I better get out of Dodge”…reference point 3. 5. Possibly above all else and something newer people to the area do not understand; historically people did not LIVE downtown; they worked here. When industry started to leave and the city found itself with a ghost-town (I remember the 80’s) someone came up with the wacky idea of filling the place up with subsidized housing. That was good but still more space…let’s fill the rest of the place up with more people (really crazy idea). However no one ever sat down and thought about the logistics of how you mix all those pieces together. I think LDNA and the LPD and most of the bar owners have done an excellent job of getting together and finding a way to make it all work. The city council and the License Commission should get on board and throw out anyone who doesn’t have a long-term goal of being a responsible part of the community. 6. As someone who does not discriminate; I make an effort to try out everything downtown; I love my island! (yes we are surrounded by water on all sides-maybe we should just pull up the draw-bridge at 1AM…alternatively we might consider shutting off the alcohol at 1AM and staying open all night for breakfast) It’s a great place to live; it is and should be a great place for anyone to come out and have some fun and not have to deal with the both the petty nonsense and certainly not have to leave before 10 to avoid an unruly bunch of drunks or precariously step over the vomit going out the door in the morning…or worse. 7. Last but not least, the LPD should not have to “baby-sit” drunks when there is an entire city who needs them; my tax dollars could be much better spent. KMM

p.s. Commissioner Weicker did not make a new friend today when he made reference to my being “old”.

Folk Festival

Remember when Folk Festival was just fun…no stress no worries or at least for those of us who only attend and do not have to do any of the hard work of planning or working or cleaning up.

Reading today’s stories in the Sun I found the statement by Acting Superintendent Deborah Freidl that the late-night crowds downtown are just a part of the event’s evolution to which officials will adjust, most important. Good point! Just 3 days prior to the commencement of the festival Chief Lavallee held a meeting and asked everyone to do what they could to make sure that after festival hours DO NOT turn into mardi gras… (or as Craig would say; Shangra-lowell) oops! I have total confidence in Captain Kennedy’s ability to evaluate the situation and make the right decision and comments from bar owners sound like they agreed too.

I know that a few bar owners did voluntarily close early all three nights due to the large crowds…therein lies the dilemma. How great that people who come to folk festival stay after to enjoy the city…and how great for all of the businesses who had to turn people away. Hopefully by next year there will be a few more neighborhood places open. So the CM’s comment about starting now to plan for next year is the right thing to do.

I do have to throw just one question out there…why did the city council approve a deal for the Smokehouse to build out the sidewalk? Did anyone provide them with information about the 11 incidents police have logged at this location (only outdone by Brian’s Ivy Hall coming in at 14)? There are many other business owners who would be eager to have the use of 4 parking spaces to build out their outdoor business but have been told no (Old Court aside; they are just to close to the corner for LFP to make the turn)…why this one?

Two stories in the SUN:

Innocent plea in Lowell Folk Festival brawl – Lowell Sun Online
LOWELL — In the midst of the Lowell Folk Festival festivities last weekend, police arrested a Lowell man after they spotted him in a group of partygoers kicking a man on the ground…
Rest of the story at SUN on-line:

Notes from License Commission Meeting Thursday

License Commission Meeting Thursday
It’s a long meeting so skip forward to about 55 minutes. We will soon have two new bars in the neighborhood.

All Star Lounge former home of C’est on the corner of Merrimack and Kirk St. You be the judge…watch the video and see if you can tell what type of place they are planning. I couldn’t tell. Interesting fact; the President is David Cruz former manager of El Rincon. I will say the owners have been given fair warning by the commissioner’s to manage the place well.

Fuse Bistro, Scott Pelletier, Manager. Palmer St. formerly Caffe’ Paradiso.
I think the most important thing about this location being open again is this once vibrant section on the neighborhood will no longer be dead and dark. I am optimistic some of life will be “fused” (no pun intended) back in the block.

A More User-Friendly License Commission

The city manager has a new posting about enhancements to the notification process for Licensing Board which was a subject of discussion at our meeting with Chief Lavallee last week.

“Occasionally, not all surrounding neighbors hear about the owner’s intent, so the City is updating its resources to better connect to Lowell residents. The Commission holds two hearings per month, both of which are open to the public. An agenda for the meeting will go up on the City’s newly enhanced website 48 hours before the meeting and any items on that list will be addressed”.

New Year

January 1, 2011, 2:24 AM

I have been out wandering the neighborhood tonight. There were lots of wonderful first night celebrations going on…I stopped in at Centro where all was lovely and warm and celebratory. At Garcia Brogans there was a great crowd of peole listening to covers of tunes that I was amazed these kids knew; many of the members of the band live here in the ‘hood”.

STOP! There was a shooting at (or near) the 7 Eleven at the Lord Overpass. Not the way you want a neighborhood to start a new year. I happen upon a SUN reporter and Rob Mills is on this so I’m sure we will hear more in the morning. In the meantime say a prayer and hope that no one is hurt and it is jut some rambunctious new year craziness.

Taking a spin around the block…there are about 80 people standing in front of Brian’s Ivy Hall on Merrimack St. (and not the happy friendly ones I’ve seen elsewhere) usual mayhem for this place. This one is beyond me; I have no idea why this place is not taken-to-task by someone about what goes on outside at night.

The Old Court and Hookslides are looking very peaceful. There was a wedding tonight at The Smokehouse; people rented the whole place and everyone is lovely and it is a really cool event.

Round the bend; tonight is “Fetish Night” upstairs at the Blue Shamrock. Costumes abound…I had to stop in wonder of where one finds all that gear. 6-inch heels on cobblestones was worth watching for awhile…they have carried the party into the garage now. Good luck to anyone tryin got sleep at Canal Place.

All-in-all as I wander around I am always astounded by what happens here in our neighborhood at night. It may seem even more astounding to those who don’t live here how much I love this place and I’m never worried about walking around at 2:30 AM. As busy as they are with more serious issues our LPD are here walking the streets keeping an eye on the revelers and I have a great sense of peace knowing I’ll see my friends and neighbors tomorrow at the Market.

Happy New Year to All!