Category Archives: Photography

Eleni’s Fashion

LHS photography students found our Eleni at work in her shop. These photos by Amber White capture the artist and her tools.


Melissa Graham found a cool shady space in the Urban Jungle.

LHS Student photographer Telvin Benjamin capured one of our haunts at a time of day we rarely see it.

LHS Photography

There are some great new photos posted recently to Panoramia by the Lowell High School Photography Class. Here are two by Monita Khuth.

LHS Photos

Thanks to LHS student photographer Gladys Mayancela for sharing the beauty of spring.

Lowell High Students Populate Google Earth

Photo by Evangelea Voraphonh

What happens in the neighborhood when no one is looking? I found one thing that is worth sharing. One of the threads in the fabric of our neighborhood, police officer/photographer John Boutselis, teaches an after school photography class at Lowell High (who would have known?). Students use downtown as the backdrop for their work and recently submitted photos on Panoramia and many were posted by Google Earth. Here is the link to the photos:
When you click on the photo the students name is down on the right hand side of the page.

I am really impressed with the students work and like most of us who live here I often miss the specific details of what I pass by everyday. I know that I am going to stop and take a closer look at each of these locations now. I also think that this after school program acheives many things. Students are learning an artistic skill; gaining appreciation for their city and the details that make it an interesting place and having an opportunity to share it with the world on Google Earth. Interesting, cool and educational.