Category Archives: conservation

Lowell Sustainability Week

Updated schedule can be found here.

Better Buildings Meeting Tonight

Just received the notice below regarding tonight’s meeting…

the next meeting is in March.


Join us for this FREE outdoor celebration!
Saturday, June 12(rain date: June 13) 12 Noon – 5PM45 Davidson Street, Lowellat Concord River Greenway Park
Don’t miss this FREE outdoor event featuring activities and performances by local cultural groups combining live music, art, and nature!

12PM: Official ribbon-cutting at the Concord River Greenway
Live musical performances starting at 11AM hosted by 92.5FM “The River”
Public art displays and activities featuring recycled materials
Boat rides through Lowell’s scenic canalways
Lowell historic trolley tours
Nature t-shirt painting & other eco-centric crafts
Pack a picnic lunch and lawnchairs! Don’t forget to bring a white t-shirt for nature painting!Visit for full event detailsanddownload the official event flier.
ABOUT “RiverFest: Art Goes Green”
RiverFest: Art Goes Green is being led in partnership with the
Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, COOL (Cultural Organization of Lowell), and the popular 92.5 FM “The River” radio station. Building off of a robust schedule of events throughout the region and expanded to a new location, Lowell will host this premier celebration on the newly renovated Concord River Greenway, near the heart of the City’s historic Downtown!


Links to topics from our meeting

The presentation is on line at the Green Building Commission’s Web Site.
Visit: It is on the Home page under Updates.

The talk hand out information is available at TURI
For more information on toxics and TURI:

The other information –

Pamela Howland’s knitting group

For more information on the Downtown Entrepreneurs Group send an email to me, and I will put you in contact with the organizers.

Green Drinks meets every second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 at Lowell Beer Works.

Sign up for the list serve. Instructions are posted here (scroll down a little):,%20MA

Or they can just send an email to:

The story of “Stuff”!

Correction: The Stitch & Bitch is tentatively on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Details are usually posted on

Electric Car

I was happy to get the story below from my “car guy”; mostly because it means there are people who actually build cars who are thinking about better products… I also really like the idea of the “sharing” garage. It would be great to have a bigger vehicle only when you really need one. As a person who has always driven a small car I appreciate the possibilities of some new options.

I think we should get a few of these too: The Luas ; I admit my prejudice; I love trains and would be thrilled to see more light rails like this in American cities that do not have adequate public transportation. I will mention one draw-back; these things are “SILENT” this is not a track you would want to run across…Yikes! The word, “SPLAT” comes to mind…

This is also were I throw my two-cents in for expanding our trolley from Gallagher Terminal to LeLacheur Park. Would people who live downtown or halfway up Broadway or Fletcher walk to Dutton to catch the Trolley to Gallagher? I really think they would.

Here’s a piece from SUN on-line…excellent step in the right direction.

N.H.-to-Boston bus run starts Monday
LONDONDERRY, N.H. (AP) — The inaugural run of an express bus service from New Hampshire to Boston is being launched Monday.
Commuters can catch the Boston Express at Exits 2, 4 and 5 off Interstate 93. Boston Express is a public-private partnership between the state and two bus companies — C&J Lines and Concord Coach Lines.
The express service from Manchester, Londonderry and Salem will be to Boston’s South Station and Logan Airport.

Nissan to sell electric car, batteries not included
James B. Treece Automotive News November 14, 2008 – 12:01 am ET
DETROIT — Carlos Tavares, Nissan Motor Co.’s executive vice president for product planning and design, held out a vision of a future where consumers buy electric vehicles separately from the batteries, and share access to cars.

“At Nissan, we believe that one day, zero emissions will be a precondition of entry in the automotive business,” he told the Automotive News Green Car Conference and Exhibition today. A dramatic shift in vehicle ownership patterns will accompany that move away from internal combustion engines, he said. “Our grandchildren may never believe we owned cars, not to mention that they had tailpipes,” Tavares said.

Nissan plans to launch its first all-electric vehicle in select markets in 2010. It will roll out globally in 2012. Nissan expects its electric vehicle to have “pricing similar to a conventional car,” before adding in the cost of the battery. The battery lease will be separate — similar to fees charged today for in-vehicle concierge services such as OnStar. There will be “no additional inconvenience for the consumer,” he said. “Buy the car, sign the battery lease.” The buyer then will drive off from the dealership in a car with batteries installed. The total cost of ownership over the vehicle’s life cycle, he said, will be lower than that of owning a car that requires gasoline.

He also said that consumers may eventually get away from owning their own vehicles, choosing instead to pay for access to a garage of vehicles shared with other consumers. “The sense of proprietary ownership is very strong today, but could shift to the pleasure of owning access” to a variety of vehicles in a shared garage, he said. For example, a driver might have a commuter car for weekdays, and access to a minivan for family vacations and to a sports car for occasional fun.

“It’s not very far,” he said, from owning a timeshare in a vacation home.