Category Archives: Education

Lowell Sustainability Week

Updated schedule can be found here.

Lowell High Students Populate Google Earth

Photo by Evangelea Voraphonh

What happens in the neighborhood when no one is looking? I found one thing that is worth sharing. One of the threads in the fabric of our neighborhood, police officer/photographer John Boutselis, teaches an after school photography class at Lowell High (who would have known?). Students use downtown as the backdrop for their work and recently submitted photos on Panoramia and many were posted by Google Earth. Here is the link to the photos:
When you click on the photo the students name is down on the right hand side of the page.

I am really impressed with the students work and like most of us who live here I often miss the specific details of what I pass by everyday. I know that I am going to stop and take a closer look at each of these locations now. I also think that this after school program acheives many things. Students are learning an artistic skill; gaining appreciation for their city and the details that make it an interesting place and having an opportunity to share it with the world on Google Earth. Interesting, cool and educational.

Frank Thoms at Barnes and Noble

Frank Thoms’ reading and book signing Thursday Sept. 23rd at Barnes and Noble, Merrimack St. 7PM.

Teaching from the Middle of the Room, Inviting Students to Learn is a how-to for new and experienced educators to help them become better teachers. It is available at Barnes and Noble and on-line at

Innovation Academy Charter School’s (IACS)

Innovation Academy Charter School’s (IACS) “Want More?” exhibition of art, music, poetry, and other creative activities.
Opening reception is Wednesday night, June 2, 6-9 PM, at the Innovation Gallery, 22 Shattuck Street in downtown Lowell, Massachusetts.
The exhibition will feature a dynamic series of artworks created by 25 students from my “Discovering Identity: Painting, Printmaking, Photography, and Prose,”Art Class. Some of the artworks include: transformed antique organ pipes into ‘Me-sical instruments’ that explore the sound of identity; body image sculptural forms made from personal and recycled materials; puppets with surrealistic personalities; gestural paintings and drawings focusing on personal, social, and environmental issues; and self-portrait (Identity Maps) that integrate photography and green chemistry.
The Mission of the Innovation Academy Charter School is to provide students with a challenging, interdisciplinary education that will prepare them for the 21st century through an emphasis on holistic learning, higher order and critical thinking skills and practical application and integration of curriculum areas. Innovation Academy prepares students through an emphasis on holistic learning, higher order and critical thinking skills and practical application and integration of curriculum areas. Innovation Academy Charter School (IACS) is a regional charter school serving the districts of Billerica, Chelmsford, Dracut, Groton-Dunstable, Littleton, Lowell, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, and Westford, Massachusetts.
This project is funded in part by a grant from the Theodore Edson Parker Foundation.