Just received the notice below regarding tonight’s meeting…
the next meeting is in March.

Just received the notice below regarding tonight’s meeting…
the next meeting is in March.
Links to topics from our meeting
The presentation is on line at the Green Building Commission’s Web Site.
Visit: http://greenbuilding.lowellma.gov/ It is on the Home page under Updates.
The talk hand out information is available at TURI
For more information on toxics and TURI:
Visit: www.turi.org/community
The other information –
Pamela Howland’s knitting group
For more information on the Downtown Entrepreneurs Group send an email to me, greenesh@comcast.net and I will put you in contact with the organizers.
Green Drinks meets every second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 at Lowell Beer Works.
Sign up for the list serve. Instructions are posted here (scroll down a little):
Or they can just send an email to:
The story of “Stuff”!
Correction: The Stitch & Bitch is tentatively on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Details are usually posted on https://www.ravelry.com/
Posted in conservation, Downtown Lowell, Election, Green Building, Lowell, Massachusetts, Recycling