Category Archives: Street Construction

Kearney Square Bridge Replacement

The second meeting to discuss the replacement of the 170-year-old Kearney Square Bridge (between Blue Taleh and Middlesex Community College) was held tonight. Enel has been able to rework the plans so that the bridge will remain open in both directions during the entire construction project. Once completed, the new bridge will be able to handle 36 tons as opposed to the current posted limit of six tons and feature pedestrian barriers along the sidewalks, like the reworked Central Street Bridge does today.

The plan will now involve three phases, running from February of 2013 to October. The first phase (until June) will replace the south side of the bridge (the Blue Taleh side) with pedestrians using the north sidewalk.

The second phase (June-September) will shift the traffic to the south side of the bridge and shrink the lanes down to nine feet each with no separation between the two (many emergency vehicles are over nine feet wide). The north sidewalk will remain open.

The third and final phase will again shift traffic to the north side of the bridge and the north sidewalk will remain open while the new south side sidewalk is constructed.

Deliveries and pedestrian access to the alleyways along both the old Sun building and the Fairburn building will be maintained throughout the entire project. Parking and deliveries in the area will be limited at various times as travel lanes will be needed.

Please contact Enel Green Power North America at 978-681-1900 ext 852 or 817 with any questions or concerns. They may also be reached via email at

Jackson St. Improvements

An update from James Errickson, DPD

On November 11, 2011 (Veteran’s Day), the City’s contractors for this project will be “cold-planing” the street in preparation for the eventual paving of Jackson Street . This may cause traffic disruptions on Jackson Street during the day. Following this step, the final paving of Jackson Street will be scheduled, for which the City intends to complete prior to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend (pending weather conditions and materials supply).

Central Street Projects to begin AUGUST

Two projects will be beginning very soon in close proximity to each other…

1.Repairs to crosswalks/sidewalks at Central/Middlesex/Gorham (yeah!). The work is expected start this week and take 6 weeks to complete. CM’s office says work will be done at night and advertised in advance” through the city web site, SUN and neighborhood groups. I do not yet see any information on the city web site. I will post any information as I get it on this web page and our Facebook.

2.Back in June you may recall there was a meeting held by ENEL to provide information about the Central St. bridge construction that will begin approx. August 22nd and is expected to take 4 months. Daily construction hours will be 7AM to 5PM however there are portions of the work that will have to be completed during night time hours. Below are a few slides from the presentation. I have emailed the entire presentation to LDNA members. I will likewise post on any updates.