Category Archives: Health


TODAY IS WORLD AIDS DAY. If you are planning to attend the event at city hall tonight; the Vigil has been moved to Middlesex Community College, 32 Kearney Sq., due to potential rain.

Yoga Classes at Lowell General Hospital

Start 2009 with Mind & Body

The connection between mind and body has been recognized for centuries in many cultures as well as proven through recent scientific studies. To tap powerful approaches to wellness through mind and body, try something new for 2009.
Space is still available in the following programs offered at Lowell General Hospital. For more information or to sign up call 1-877-LGH-WELL (1-877-544-9355) or go on-line to:

Introduction to Tai Chi:
Learn the fundamental principles of Taoist Tai Chi’s healing arts and the preliminary moves of the 108 movement Yang style Tai Chi Form. Tai Chi is known for many benefits including: tension reduction, improved circulation and balance, increased strength and flexibility, as well as states of mental and physical relaxation. Instructor from the International Taoist Tai Chi Society.
8-week session begins Monday January 12, 2009 from 9:00AM to 10AM; $80/Adults and $70/Seniors over 65

Stress Less Yoga:
This gentle yoga class will offer ways to deal with symptoms of stress through gaining a better understanding of what stress is and how it affects our body and mind. Using breathing and stretching techniques, yoga poses, relaxation, and concentration techniques, the emphasis of this class will be to slow down and be gentle with ourselves. It is geared towards every body regardless of age, shape or physical ability and is a great way to end the day and prepare for a restful night. Instructor: Laura Marie E-RYT500
6-Week Program begins January 13, 7:30 – 8:30pm, $98

Introduction to IREST Class (Yoga Nidra):
Introduction to IREST (Integrative Restoration) IREST is a meditative form of self-inquiry that comes from the teachings of yoga. It is a self-healing process that induces deep relaxation throughout body and mind. This multi-step practice for body, mind, and spirit integration can help to reducing stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression. During IREST we enter receptive states of relaxation and meditation while remaining awake and alert. Wear comfortable clothing- nothing that binds or pinches. No experience needed. Traditionally, it is said that one hour of this practice is like getting 3 hours of sleep. Instructor: Laura Marie E-RYT500
6-week program begins January 13, 6 – 7:15pm, $114

Introduction to Heart Rhythm Meditation:
In recent years science has proven that our heart is more than a physical pump. Our hearts hold a magnetic energy field fueled by our emotions and perceptions as well as our life experiences. The practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation is a major tool in reducing life stress, and improving our health and wellbeing by creating heart/brain coherence. In this workshop, you are invited to bring awareness to the emotional field of your energetic heart with the simple and transformative practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation. Instructor: Carole Legro MA, RNC, LMT
Monthly meetings begin January 22nd, 1:30-3pm, $75

Reduce stress and muscle tension, learn to improve posture and flexibility, breathe more effectively and strengthen your entire body. Not for expectant mothers. Instructor: Nancy Dorenfield RYT
6-week session begins January 13, 6-7:15PM; $90