LDNA meeting, Monday, October 22, 2012
A few notes…
Christine Connolly, RN, BSN, Public Health Nurse for the city of Lowell
Chris presented an overview of materials related to Opiate Overdose Prevention.
Startling is the number of overdose cases annually and the number in Lowell.
I have all of the materials covered which I’m happy to deliver to anyone who needs them and/or I will have them at the next meeting.

Chris also covered the “unwanted Medicine/Needle Disposal” program for city residents. There is a drop-off at Lowell Senior Center, Broadway every Wednesday morning 9:30 – 11:00 AM and there are other options throughout the city to dispose of unwanted/expired medications.

David Stacy, Community Outreach Specialist, Lowell House Inc.
Dave discussed the use of “Narcan” injections to prevent or reverse the side effects of opiate overdose including difficulty breathing; sleepiness, low blood pressure and death. Dave provides training to use Narcan for city residents; it takes less than 15 minutes. You can contact him at Lowell House if you are interested in learning more about Narcan and the training.

Chris and Dave also seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of a variety of support groups, prevention opportunities; both would like to do spend more time educating in the schools as would the police resource officers.

Kirsten Doherty, MA Prevention Alliance
Kirsten provided a brief overview of the reason MA Prevention Alliance does not support Question 3: Medical Use of Marijuana. To summarize Kirsten described the lack of detail contained in the bill to regulate dispensaries. She suggested refining the bill with much more widespread input.
Certainly check out the Secretary of State web sites for the language and basic information for/against:

I have much of this information electronically from Chris so please send an email and I’ll get it to you. There is also so much material I suggest we have our guests back again.

Last but not least…”Panic in the Park” is not just a cute Halloween event. There have been several assaults, robberies of residents in Kerouac Park, apparently increasing in the past month. We have a group of residents who reside next to the park discuss with police what can be done to prevent this (excluding sending the kids who are doing this back to the Victorian Garden) but including everything from the most obvious…pay attention to your surroundings when you are walking the streets; not with her head down looking at your phone. To changes that might be made to the actual space like trimming trees/bushes and adding more lights. Captain Sullivan  has asked residents to attend the LDNA meeting to let him know how things are going with plans he has put in place. In the meantime when there is an incident or concerns please call the police! The non-emergency number is 978-937-3200.

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