License Commission Meeeting Thursday

License Commission of the City of Lowell is scheduled to take place in the Council Chamber, second floor, City Hall, 375 Merrimack St. on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

Downtown related agenda items:

Special events permit for amplified outdoor public entertainment applications:

Middlesex Community College, Mary-Jo Griffin, Director of Public Affairs, for Friday, May 11, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Campus Spring Fling @ campus quad adj. to MCC City Campus, 33 Kearney Sq., sound system for live music, disc jockey, public address.

Lowell Transitional Living Center, Philip Maynard, Board of Directors-Clerk, Sun., June 10, 2012 from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Steps to Home – Walk to End Homelessness, sound system for d.j., parking lot at Canal and Jackson Streets.

Hearing continued from April 12, 2012 on the application by CB Enterprises Inc., d/b/a Majors Pub
Corey Belanger, President, for change of location of license for all alcoholic beverages Restaurant from 34 Jackson St., to 197 Market St. CB Enterprises Inc. has filed applications to transfer licenses for common victualler, and for entertainment in a licensed Restaurant for live music, disc jockey, juke box from premises at 34 Jackson St. to 197 Market St.

The owners of Brian’s Ivy Hall are applying for an additional liquor license to open Finn’s Pub, previously Ole’.
Application by Hayhurst Group Inc., d/b/a Finn’s Pub, Kevin V. Hayhurst, President, for an all alcoholic beverages Restaurant license for premises at 76 Merrimack Street, first and second floors. Additional applications filed by Hayhurst Group Inc. for premises at 76 Merrimack St., first and second floors: license for common victualler; license for entertainment in a licensed restaurant for live music, disc jockey, juke box; license for automatic amusement device.

Note: For both of the items related to Mr. Jalapeno; request for continuance by Atty. George Theodorou, legal counsel for Mr. Jalapeno, Inc., filed April 30, 2012. So the Commission will continue this issue to a later date.
Hearing on the allegations of misconduct as charged by Kenneth E. Lavallee, Superintendent of Police, against Mr. Jalapeno, Inc., Brendan T. Doucette, Manager, malt beverages & wines only Restaurant licensee at 124 Merrimack Street, for violation of law and regulations that Lowell police report took place on the premises March 10, 2012.
-patrons not of legal age furnished alcohol beverages on licensed premises – MGL c. 138, s. 34 [2 counts]
-failure to properly label a tap, faucet, or draughting device – MGL c. 138, s. 12
-failure to maintain the licensed premises in a clean and sanitary condition – 204CMR2.05(8)
-failure to display Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission warning signs – MGL c. 138, ss. 34A, 34D [2 counts]
-no licensee for the sale of alcoholic beverages shall permit any disorder, disturbance, or illegality of any kind to take place in or on the licensed premises. The licensee shall be responsible therefore, whether present or not – 204CMR 2.05 (2)
Public hearing by the License Commission to consider the public need in accordance with section 12 of chapter 138, MGL, to decrease hours for the sales of alcoholic beverages during the calendar week from 2:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. for Mr. Jalapeno, Inc., Brendan T. Doucette, Manager, malt beverages & wines only Restaurant licensee at 124 Merrimack Street.

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