LDNA stuff

Neighborhood Clean-Up Day! 9 – Noon. Meet at Mack Plaza.
You don’t have to commit 3-hours 1/2 hour or an hour of your time will make a difference.
I have heard from Joan Kerzner that Boott Mills residents will be working on the Riverwalk.

LDNA Meeting, April 23rd, 7 PM
George Russell, Northern Middlesex Community of Governments, will give a brief presentation about the Regional Disaster Mitigation Plan.

Also on Monday night 7:30 there will be a Candlelight Walk from Senior Center on Broadway to City Hall. I thought some residents may want to walk in honor of the memory of Alison Myrick.

Lowell Massachusetts —the Merrimack Valley Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children, (POMC) invites you to the 4th Annual Candlelight Vigil on April 23, 2012, in recognition of National Crime Victim’s Rights Week. This year’s theme, Extending the Vision: Reaching Every Victim” and the theme colors are blue and black.
The event opens at the Lowell Senior Center 5PM with informational booths and social gathering. We then will culminate for the candlelight walk at 7:30PM and proceed to City Hall at where the speaking engagement will take place. Some of the speakers who will be in attendance are, Senator Eileen Donoghue, Sheriff Peter Koutoujian, Rep. Tom Golden and Community VOICES, Laurie Myers.
Contact Arnie Muscovitz (978)452-5858

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