Another License Commission meeting…another 3 hours of my life gone. Briefly…
Charges against the Smokehouse were dismissed for lack of evidence.
License transfer for Majors Pub continued to May.
Communications: Another noise complaint from Moller’s Lofts against Brian’s Ivy Hall. Only this time Officer David Pender was present and agreed with Mr. Hayhurst that there have been no noise complaints filed. Another officer told a unit owner if you call from your cell phone it doesn’t get registered like it would from a land line. Who knew…and what does one do if you only have a cell phone. Let that be a warning! If you have a problem make sure you run out to a pay phone to call the police. Officer Pender also stated that he investigated a noise complaint (oh wait a minute, he just said there were none) and the decibel level registered at 65. The noise ordinance states the level has to be below 55 on Thursday or Sunday after 10 PM (apparently someone needs to brush of on their ordinances; perhaps while my tax dollars are paying for him to sit at that meeting for 3 hours).
As Commissioner Akashian read from a memo from the city manager 5 years ago…the proper city departments will deal with this situation. What have they done? Nothing! I know this is a long-standing argument but at some point in time someone has to realize that if every other bar can manage to keep within the sound ordinance there must be some reason this one place is being given a pass by the police department and the city administration. Wonder what that could be?
To quote Ms. Lamb, “kabuki theatre” at its best.