Recycle M.O.R.E. with the Public Recycling Drop-Off Container
Lowell, MA – Beginning Monday, April 9th, the City of Lowell , through its Recycle M.O.R.E. program, will provide all Lowell residents the opportunity to recycle mixed bottles, cans, and paper recyclables. Residents will be able to deposit recyclables in the large labeled container at the Department of Public Works facility at 1365 Middlesex Street Monday through Saturday (except holidays) between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM.
The Mandatory Ordinance Recycling Enforcement (M.O.R.E.) program strives to increase the City’s recycling participation rate among all residents, including non-curbside residents. As part of this effort, Mandatory Recycling Enforcement Coordinator Bill Stanwood has been working to educate residents about the benefits of increasing recycling and putting out clean, dual-stream (‘paper’ and ‘bottles and cans’) recyclables.
The Recycle M.O.R.E. campaign is partially funded by a Department of Environmental Protection grant and is actively working to assure that residents meet state and local recycling requirements. For more information, please check out the Solid Waste & Recycling Office website at, call 978-674-4309 or follow them on