License Commission after much testimony from Police, Fire and Inspectional Services suspended Fortunato’s liquor license for 90 days after a plea (more on that later) from their attorney that the license suspension would inhibit a potential sale.

I cannot find the words to express my sadness that Yousef did not stand up and speak for himself and apologize to all of the people who supported his business despite the fact that the food was awful, the service non-existent and the place was filthy. People treated him like a neighbor because he had been in the neighborhood so long that he was a thread (a very weak one) in the fabric of the neighborhood. I hope that Yousef did not speak because he was not willing to lie in front of those people and let his attorney do it for him when he read a prepared statement that in part said he knew nothing about Fortunato’s operating as a nightclub (club 44). I would be much more appalled if he said that himself after he invited us in one night and proudly showed us how after 10 PM they pushed the furniture up against the walls and turned on the “disco” lights and had a DJ.

So do I feel sorry for his situation? NO! Hearing the testimony of the police describe the situation of the locked doors and seeing the photos; people trying to flee a crazy dangerous situation and no way to get out…the commissioners clearly saw that the potential for disaster was averted only by the swift response of the police.

This was a self-inflicted wound by our friend Yousef. He handed his business over to someone and walked away with total disregard for those who would be in his establishment (not to mention total disregard for those of us who supported him). According to the DJ that was there that night; he was concerned about the safety of the crowd and tried to alert the owner but was ignored.

I do wonder if handing down a 90-day suspension might send the wrong message to some other “wanna-be” nightclubs to think the city does not take these issues seriously. In the end perhaps it will facilitate a new owner; one we can only hope that we will bring back a strong anchor to one of the best corners in the city and that will be a very good thing for the neighborhood.

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