License Commission Meeting

Liquor license pulled for 2 days
Jen Meyers has details of the meeting. As always thanks Jen!

This is one of those times when you get to give credit where credit is due.
Once-upon-a-time…seems like 100 years ago I wrote this about a License Commission meeting.

I was still at work last night and listening on LTC and all-the-while thinking that this incident at the Trainview was 1. well documented 2. well investigated 3. well represented at the meeting 4. treated appropriately and fairly by the License Commission 5. The manager in charge was honest about the events of that evening.

I am not lawyer but I thought the Commissioner’s where very cautious to seperate the individual charges and made their decisions based on the law pertaining to each. In the end the Commissioner’s suspended the license for 7 days…the Trainview will be closed May -2, a Tuesday and Wednesday with the remaining days suspended for 1 year (just in case they have another incident). Hardly a harsh punishment; more of a warning to comply with the law.

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