Update: The Village Smokehouse has been granted a continuance to a date to be determined. The Smokehouse issue will not be heard on March 22.

The next License Commission Meeting Thursday, March 22, 6:30 PM, Council Chamber, second floor, City Hall, 375 Merrimack St.

Some items regarding downtown:

7. Request by Atty. George C. Eliades, Jr., dated March 16, 2012, to continue hearing on the allegations of misconduct as charged by Kenneth E. Lavallee, Superintendent of Police, against The Middle Street Village, Inc., d/b/a The Village Smokehouse, all alcoholic beverages Restaurant licensee at 92-98 Middle Street – sales of alcoholic beverages to two (2) intoxicated patrons the morning of February 4, 2012.

9. Communication from Christine O’Connor, City Solicitor, re City Council endorsement of revised rules and regulations of the City of Lowell License Commission governing the sale of alcoholic beverages.

10. Motions of Commissioner Raymond Weicker, to wit:
A motion to review the fees associated with licenses in the City of Lowell.
To include a comparative study, by the Executive Secretary, of Lowell compared to both surrounding towns (Billerica, Chelmsford, Dracut, Tewksbury, Tyngsboro) as well as comparable sized cities (Worcester, Springfield)
A motion to review revenue generated thru all licensed activities in the City, to include property taxes paid at any location holding any form of license issued.
A motion to table any proposed regulatory changes until such time as the Commission has received a response to the requested information from the February 2, 2012 meeting of the License Commission and had an opportunity to review same.

12. Settlement agreement effective March 1, 2012 between Econ Realty Corporation and Thomas Economou, individually, and Marev Corp. and Mark Girolamo, individually, regarding property at 197 Market St., Lowell. (This is the Dubliner, below…looks as though Majors Pub is changing location to the current Dubliner location).

13. Application by CB Enterprises Inc., d/b/a Majors Pub for change of location of license for all alcoholic beverages Restaurant from 34 Jackson St., to 197 Market St.

You can get the entire agenda at:

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