Nice coverage of this story by Rachel Maddow
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In the event you may not be aware, as reported in today’s Lowell Sun, a restaurant downtown was recently the victim of a malicious act of vandalism where a 20 lb building stone was thrown through the window. While investigations are currently underway to determine whether this incident was a “hate crime,” it goes without say that acts like this have no place in our community.
Vandalism and Public Safety are topics of frequent discussion concerning the state and culture of downtown and actions are currently being taken by the City, Lowell Police Department, Business Owners and Residents to address these concerns. The extreme nature of this recent incident at Babylon Restaurant has shown us just how important these partnerships are in the continuing growth and development of downtown.
I am contacting you to encourage you to join the Veterans for Peace and other concerned Lowellians tonight at an “eat-in” at Babylon Restaurant, 25 Merrimack Street,between 5pm and 8pm. For those who are unable to attend I encourage you to visit this restaurant for lunch or dinner, at any time, and tell the staff that you support them and are taking a stand against violence in our community.
Each of us has the power to help make our community a place that everyone can enjoy. In addition to continuing to support businesses downtown, I hope you will join Center City Committee in discussing and creating solutions aimed at Downtown’s continued development as a place for all to admire and enjoy.
Bobby Tugbiyele
Center City Committee, Inc.
The Center City Committee is made up of 23 Stakeholder Organizations representing every aspect of downtown life from residents to business owners (including retailers, restaurant owners and commercial businesses) to city officials, building owners, educational institutions, cultural organizations, social service agencies, students, and visitor-oriented organizations like the National Park and the CVB. It provides a forum for networking and information exchange and meets regularly to help promote the downtown.