The next phase of the long anticipated project to remove the cobblestones on Central Street from Market St. to Appleton St. is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 13th at 8:00 p.m. This will be an overnight project with a second night on Thursday September 15th (if necessary).
The work to be performed is the removal of the cobbles from the intersection of Central and Middlesex Streets. Work will be done in one travel lane and then switch to the other side. Police details will be on site to assist with traffic flow.
Since this phase involves working directly in the intersections, the decision was made to perform the work at night to minimize traffic disruptions. There will be some noise generated by this construction. While we will work to keep that to a minimum, it cannot be eliminated.
The Parking Dept. will be placing bags on the meters/space numbers. In order to shorten the duration of the project, the work will be conducted during the day and some nights. We will try to balance the work load to minimize the impact.
As with any construction project, there is the expectation that the short-term disruption and inconvenience will result in the long-term benefit of improved travel conditions for both vehicles and pedestrians.
We know how important a smooth driving surface is to all who use our downtown and this project is a big step towards providing that. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this project.
Any questions can be directed to the City Engineer’s office at 978-970-3330