I guess I should preface this with “déjà vu”.
There was a lengthy discussion Monday evening at the Downtown Neighborhood Association meeting about the re-opening of the former “Brian’s Ivy Hall” on Merrimac Street. Neighbors and Lowell Police Department had very bad experiences with this establishment in the past. There were a series of events similar to what occurred last night at the El Rincon on Central St. large-scale crowd fights, destruction of property, cars with amplified music blocking roadway; all of this occurring between midnight at 3AM. This type of activity is disruptive to residents, imagine being school-age child that has to get up in the morning, and it’s quite distressing to elderly residents to be woken in the night by this kind of craziness (and I hate to be selfish but I actually get up early in the morning to go to work).
All-in-all it is just inappropriate behavior for a city street at any time day or night. It also portrays a negative image which potentially effects nearby businesses. At a difficult economic time when bars downtown are already suffering financially; do we really need one more place like this?
Update: If you have a specific concern there will be a public hearing at 3PM on Thursday regaring the license to re-open “Brian’s Ivy Hall”public hearing
Application by BEKS, Inc., d/b/a Brian’s Ivy Hall, Kevin Hayhurst, President, for an all alcoholic beverages Restaurant license for premises at 74 Merrimack Street, third floor only, ingress and egress along north and south stairwells, one room for bar/restaurant/nightclub approx. 4,400 sq. ft.
It is requested that Kevin Hayhurst be approved as manager of record for BEKS, Inc.
BEKS, Inc. has filed applications for the following minor licenses for premises at 74 Merrimack Street: common victualler; entertainment in a licensed restaurant for live music, disc jockey, juke box; and automatic amusement device.
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