Just a friendly reminder about the public hearing on re-establishing the Immigration Commission for the city of Lowell.
Tuesday, March 23rd Lowell City Hall 7:00pm
We need you there to show your support for the Mayor and the commission!
You can view the ordinance itself on the ONE Lowell website:
The new Immigration Commission will provide representation from among our newcomer communities in Lowell. Commissioners will advocate for the well-being of Lowell’s diverse immigrant and refugee residents. Commissioners will also assist the City Manager and the City Council in the development of policies and programs that help resident immigrants of the City of Lowell in addressing their needs and concerns.
This is an amazing opportunity for newcomers to Lowell to have a voice in those policies that impact their lives, and will be a vital step in developing leadership in newcomer communities that can lead to elected representation.
Contact: Victoria Fahlberg, PhDExecutive DirectorONE Lowell978-654-6957 x 102 vfahlberg@onelowell.net