CSP Community Forum Presents
“How can the 2010 Census help our community and how can our community help the 2010 Census?”
Who?: The Community and Social Psychology (CSP) graduate students at UMass Lowell invite you to engage in discussion about hot topics in Lowell.
What?: Join us for a community discussion about the 2010 Census! We will discuss what the Census is and why it is important to our community.
When?: Wednesday, February 24th 2010 from 7:00-8:30pm
Where?: Pollard Memorial Library, 401 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA. 01852
Why?: This particular forum is to discuss the 2010 Census and how it supports our community and why we should support it back, however, these forums are also meant to be a space to connect community members and facilitate more communication between organizations in Lowell.
* Light snacks and beverages will be provided.
* Join us on the web for pre and post forum discussions at