Tis the Season for…

Congratulations to the following winners of the People’s Choice Awards for the City’s Best Hot Chocolate and Best Dressed Holiday Window contests held during the 2009 City of Lights Parade and Holiday Art Stroll.
Best Hot Chocolate
1st Place: Second Wind Cafe http://www.secondwindcafe.com/

2nd Place: Market Street Market
Runner Up: Caffe Paradiso http://www.caffeparadiso.com/

Best Dressed Holiday Window
1st Place: Brew’d Awakening Coffeehaus http://www.brewdawakening.com/
2nd Place: C’est http://www.cestlowell.com/
Runner Up: Chantilly Place http://chantillyplace.net/
Tutto Bene
Tu-Th 11AM – 7PM

Visit the Brush Gallery Holiday Marketplace on Sat. and Sun., Dec. 12 & 13, 11am-5pm, and vote for the perfect cookie!

Taste a variety of cookies made by Brush Gallery Artists old family recipes, vote for the one you like best, and then take a copy of the recipe with you so you can make great cookies for the holidays. Festivities include a raffle of a variety of beautiful gift baskets including decadent chocolate, wonderful wine, sumptuous spas and creative candles. http://www.thebrush.org/

Western Avenue Studios. December 5th & 6th and December 12th & 13th from noon to 5pm http://www.westernavenuestudios.com/
New home of The Revolving Museumhttp://www.revolvingmuseum.org/become_member.html

Ayer Lofts Artisans Show Exhibit runs Sun., Dec. 6 through Mon., Dec. 28. Ayer Lofts Gallery is open Saturday and Sunday, 12 – 4pm and is located at 172 Middle Street, Lowell. http://www.ayerlofts.com/

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