Join Chief Lavallee for the next
Downtown Lowell Sub Committee Meeting
City Hall, Mayor’s Reception Hall
375 Merrimack Street
Monday, November 16, 2009
7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Last night we had a very good meeting with Chief Lavallee, several residents and bar owners. No real surprises; crime is up and funding is down. LPD is still doing an excellent job despite having a deficit of 34 officers. On a positive note everyone in attendance agreed that face-to-face communication between residents and the bars has been great.
Chief Lavallee also told us that the crime statistics that he provides to us now at meetings will be available on-line at:
Captain Kennedy mentioned that there is an “epidemic” of car break-ins all over the city. He reminds everyone that the smallest thing left in your car will attract a thief; most of all GPS devices (but they take just about anything including change in console). Be sure to put it in the trunk or bring it inside and use a moist cloth to wipe away the marks from the device on your dash.
The fun part was when Chief Lavallee took us on a field-trip next door to the new Emergency Communications Center. The recently completed project includes the area where dispatchers work; they were able to give us quite an impressive demonstration of what happens when you call 911. The next room is designed as “central command center” during an emergency. I believe their eight agencies from the city and local area represented during a time of emergency. All-in-all I was feeling like my tax dollars where spent very well on this particular project. And let’s not forget…those dispatchers are the folks who were literally falling through the floor in their old space. I’d say this one is considerably safer for them while they are helping to keep all of us safe.
One more thing…UTEC is celebrating their 10th Anniversary Wednesday with a fundraising party. Greg Coutreau will be recognizing a member of LDNA for being one of their first partners in the neighborhood. Although the admission is pricey; it would be great if you can support this outstanding organization.
Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Location: 34 Hurd St. Lowell, MA 01852
Tickets are $50 in advance, $75 at the door
There will be no formal LDNA meeting until January 2010; I’m sure that I will be seeing all of you between now and then.