Just saw this on SUN.com http://www.lowellsun.com/election/ci_13710620
That’s our Ted…always in the “thick-of-things”.
There’s all kinds of people lurking around the neighborhood tonight makin all kinds of noise…WTF?
Oh, maybe it has something to do with this!
City Council Election Results
Rita Mercier 6,951
Edward Caulfield 6,309
Franky Descoteaux 6,242
James Milinazzo 5,767
Kevin Broderick 5,766
William Martin 5,678
Joseph Mendonca 5,478
Patrick Murphy 4,924
Rodney Elliott 4,851
But a much more impressive number is 170; that is the increase in voter turn-out downtown compared to 2007. I’ll have more numbers later, but apparently people realized that this group of nine are the people responsible for making policy and setting the tax rate in our city and you made your opinion of who those people should be by getting out and voting. Thank you all!
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