Tuesday July 14th, 6:30 PM – City Council meeting. Please note on the agenda Councilor Milinazzo has a motion to for an independent legal investigation into whether the council violated the city (Plan E) charter when they voted not to fund assistant city manager, Andy Sheehan’s position.
I am not in the habit of editorializing… however, this motion by a councilor who publicly acknowledged she did it “because she doesn’t like him…” or some such nonsense…SCREAMS out for top honors in the WTF? category. Stay-tuned…I can not imagine one other councilor besides Mr. Milinazzo would possibly have the courage to vote in favor of this motion. To put it simply…this is sad, sad, sad for the city.
Which leads me to remind everyone: http://www.fairvotelowell.org/ Petitions for an initiatve to be placed on this November’s ballot are due within the next week. If have the petition, please call or send me an email at: kmarcin@gmail.com
Wednesday July 15th, and EVERY Wednesday – Traditional Irish Music at The Old Court
Every Friday, 2-7 PM – Farmer’s Market – JFK Plaza