The first thing I did when I left city hall yesterday was to call my daughter…just wanted to hear her voice. It was very nice to see some of our neighbors take the time to participate in this event.
Now let your goverment hear your voice about supporting youth programs like the Teen Coalition… it is a “tiny” portion of any budget with the greatest potential for a positive return.

Rob Mills story is at:
Anti-violence efforts in jeopardy
In the days after 17-year-old Tavaryna Choeun lay dying on a city curb last week, Lowell social-service agencies learned they may lose funding for a key program that fights youth violence.

I sent this email out to as many neighborhood groups as I had info for in an effort to calm my frustation about the total “LACK OF OUTRAGE” about this young girls death.

Not one word on a multitue of city blogs; not a single comment from city hall…I did find in The Globe at least one person that shared the sentiment: “The citizens of the city of Lowell should be outraged by this,” Kenneth Lavallee, Lowell’s police superintendent, said…”

I am thankful for Chief Lavallee’s high regard for each and every person who lives; works; or is just visiting the city of Lowell.

Dear Neighborhood Leaders,

WHEN: Tuesday, May 19th at 5pm
WHERE: Lowell City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street, Lowell

I have it from Chief Lavallee that UTEC is holding an anit-violence rally on Tuesday at city hall and will be walking to Suffolk St. where Tavaryna Choeun was found shot last week.
It may seem a very small tribute to a young woman who lost her life, but it may also be the first step in gathering neighbors from around the city to say that this is not acceptable and we will stand up for those who may be reluctant to speak.

I am hopeful that you will each contact your neighbors and see if we can get the word out about this very important opportunity to say, “STOP VIOLENCE IN OUR CITY”!
I believe city administration needs to hear this message and understand that there can not be any compromises, budget or otherwise, when it comes to public safety. This is a message that has to come from every neighborhood in the city; I hope that you will encourage people from your area of the city to attend.

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
Thank you.

Kathleen Marcin
President, Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association

I have received the details below from Gregg Croteau at UTEC.


Last Thursday, Tavaryna Choeun (a young woman of only 17 years of age) was pronounced dead after being shot in the head, an innocent victim of the latest act of violence in our community.On this same day, youth programs in Lowell and across the state were learning of the difficult news that funding was cut for essential youth services.
This Tuesday, May 19th at 5pm on the steps of Lowell City Hall, young people from the Lowell Teen Coalition will be organizing a rally to speak out against the violence that most recently took the life of Tavaryna, and to speak out against the proposed budget cuts that increase the risk of more youth in our communities being victims of violence. A brief march will follow the rally.

Please join us as we urge our statehouse leaders and fellow community members to take action against such acts of violence.Join us as we rally to “STOP KILLING. KEEP INVESTING!”
WHEN: Tuesday, May 19th at 5pm
WHERE: Lowell City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street, Lowell
For more info, please contact Gregg Croteau (UTEC) at 978.265.7173 or Andy Chandonnet (YWCA of Lowell) at 978.328.6606.The Lowell Teen Coalition is comprised of The Lowell Community Health Center, the United Teen Equality Center, YWCA of Lowell, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lowell, and the Boys and Girls Club of Lowell.

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