I missed this one myself, but thankfully someone sent this SUN editorial to me…In all fairness; I would never want to miss an opportunity to be in agreement with the SUN. I would however, like to add my own 2 cents by including a point I sent in a letter to the License Commission:
Bar owners have not lost any business by finding a way to compromise with the neighbors. Why in the world doesn’t Ms. Lucier attend the quarterly meetings with LPD, LDNA and Bar/ Restaurant owners? Although they do send a “representative”; every other bar owner/license holder attends the meetings. Just show up; listen to what people have to so say, including, and especially, other bar owners who also have to deal with all the issues that come with owning a bar in our neighborhood. It’s a mixed-use neighborhood, you can’t make everyone happy, but we’ve come a long way and learned from each other.
I suppose it goes without saying that the Dubliner “lives in a glass house”, they might want to consider getting some curtains…I could tell someone was drinking a “Bud Light” at the bar if I was sitting on the bench across the street…
And I would be remiss if I did not mention that the License Commssion is bascially a “court-of-law”, their decisions are based on evidence presented…as if the police department hasn’t presented enough evidence against this bar…maybe we just sit on the bench across the street and take few photos.
The SUN says the rest…
Last leniency
The Lowell Sun
Updated: 12/08/2008 08:26:50 AM EST
Lowell License Commissioner Brian Akashian should be commended for the strong action he recommended against the Dubliner bar in downtown Lowell.
Dubliner owner Thomas Economou was arrested in July on charges of paying for sexual conduct, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, distribution of class B drugs, selling liquor to an intoxicated person and obstruction of a liquor inspection. Last month, Economou admitted to sufficient facts to charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and paying for sexual conduct, and was placed on probation for a year.
Police testified that they found two men drinking in the bar, using cocaine in the bar, and Economou in the downstairs bathroom with a prostitute at 5 a.m. on July 24. That is shocking activity that deserves harsh disciplinary action.
And it wasn’t the first time the Dubliner ran afoul of both the law and its liquor-license requirements. On Oct. 10, Lowell police spotted three employees drinking at the bar after closing time. The employees denied the allegations, but commissioners rolled back the bar’s hours from 2 a.m. to 11 p.m. for 14 days. The bar also had its hours rolled back for a week in early October for over-serving a patron.
The latest incident was the most egregious by far, with the owner not only present but actively involved in the illegal behavior.
Certainly, we understand License Commissioner Ray Weicker’s concerns regarding the income of the bar’s employees, but the bar has thumbed its nose at Lowell’s regulations and laws too often.
Thus, we believe Akashian was correct to push for the strongest disciplinary measures. He wanted a three-week closure, but Weicker argued against it, saying it would penalize employees at Christmastime.
It’s important to recognize that some employees have been involved in some of the unlawful actions cited, so that should lessen concern for their financial well-being.
Ultimately, Akashian and Weicker agreed to slap the Dubliner with a three-week suspension, with one week to serve (which began yesterday) and two weeks held in suspension for one year. This should be the last time the troubled bar is granted leniency. Any new infractions must result in the strongest disciplinary measures allowed.