I saw this movie back in early 2008…mostly because the building is in my daughters’ neighborhood, and I had watched it grow every week. But my favorite part of the movie is the “Southie” construction workers (note: expect expletives). These guys give their perspective on “green building” which also grows throughout the project. If you can’t make this screening; I believe the movie is still available free on Comcast “on-demand”.
The Lowell Green Building Commission and the Lowell Film Collaborative, with the support of Enterprise Bank and Trust, present a screening of “The Greening of Southie” on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at the Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center theater. The event is free and open to the public.Set on the storied streets of South Boston, “The Greening of Southie” is an award-winning feature documentary about Boston’s first residential green building, the Macallen Building, and the skeptical workers who are asked to build it. Featured guest panelists at the Lowell premier will be Lisa Huang, project manager for the Macallen Building Project; Hank Keating, associate on design and construction with Trinity Financial working on the Lowell JAM Project; and Ken Koornneef, principal for Nobis Engineering, currently renovating office space in Lowell to green standards. All interested citizens, builders, and developers are especially invited to attend. For more information on the Green Building Commission, contact Aaron Clausen at 978-446-7200. For information on the Lowell Film Collaborative and its upcoming film events visit www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org or email lowellfilmcollaborative@live.com.