Police: Lowell man went on downtown rampage

I got this story from Rob Mills at SUN.com this morning (click on headline for link)…

And I heard from Grant Brown; “I was coming home by way of 133 around 10:40 last night, and parked on Merrimack in the aftermath of the “rampage.” I helped a guy upright the garbage can in front of Mr. Jalapeno, which was indeed thrown into the street. He also ripped up one of the hanging planters from the light post in front of Giovanni’s Trends. Glad they caught the guy!”

I am left wondering if people who do things like this are assessed fines to cover the damage? Or better yet, maybe he can just come down and clean up after he recovers from what is undoubtedly going to be one heck of a hangover…

By Robert Mills, rmills@lowellsun.com
Article Launched: 09/24/2008 11:52:00 PM EDT
LOWELL — A 28-year-old Lowell man went on a one-man vandalism spree downtown Wednesday night, smashing planters large and small, tearing city-owned garbage cans from their moorings, and throwing them all onto Merrimack Street.
Police say Julio Alamo, of 135 Salem St., first floor, apparently started his booze-fueled antics near John Street, and from there walked up Merrimack Street, smashing four large planters, three smaller planters, and four garbage cans.
Alamo then threw them all into the middle of Merrimack Street, police said.
Officers Caz Czarnionka and Charles Panek, heading up Merrimack Street to investigate, had to dodge the debris.
Panek and Czarnionka caught up with Alamo as he had his hands around another garbage can on Market Street, near Cardinal O’Connell Parkway a little after 10 p.m.
He was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of malicious destruction of property over $250.
The cast-iron cages that surround the garbage cans are secured to the sidewalk underneath, but Alamo tore them free, police said.
A bail commissioner had not yet set bail for him late Wednesday night. He will be arraigned Thursday in Lowell District Court.

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