As promised, let’s start offering some opinion about all of the new businesses that have opened downtown recently… should we give them “thumbs-up / thumbs-down” rating? Maybe a point scale…I’m looking for ideas…but have to rush to get back to Lowell before Farmer’s Market closes. Oh! Did everyone see the cool new grocery bag being offered at the Farmer’s Market?
You can check it out on the CCC/Downtown Blog:
I’ll put that first on the list
Farmer’s Market = “thumbs-up” nothing in the gastronomical world better than tomatoes from the garden!
C’est – Here’s a great little $20 gift idea from C’est

Monkey Ice Cream
Bad Dawgs

There has been a few items this week with a broader look at downtown.

City Manager, Bernie Lynch, has a new post about Downtown Revitalization.
You can read it here:
Mr. Lynch provides us with some positive data, and maybe more importantly, an optimistic outlook.

And a lot of suggestions about “what downtown” needs at LeftinLowell:
… “as if” we (LDNA) hasn’t spent years talking about this…and we’ll have another opportunity Monday night. Maybe we can ask someone at DPD to forward LeftinLowell a copy of the “downtown residents survey”.

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