June 24 2014 Meeting Notes

<Notes taken by Stephen Greene>

City Councilors Lahey and Belanger were in attendance.  The key speaker was new city manager Kevin Murphy

Minutes were approved.  The financial report indicated we have $210. The plan is to have a Fall event that will be in a very public Downtown space.  Stephen will coordinate.  He will see if we might use a downtown parking lot on a weekday evening

Guest Speaker – City Manager Kevin Murphy

Murphy is a lifelong resident of the city.  His plan is to spur economic development in the downtown.  There is a weekend downtown cleanup that includes special cleanup of major streets on Saturday and Sunday. It was noted that the streets are cleaner.  It was pointed out that some private spaces along the street collect trash.  The City will work with those owners to try to get them to clean it up these private spots that are publicly visible.

It was noted that submitting comments and problems the e-Gov is the better way to go because it’s tracked more easily.  Susan Purdy pointed out that walk ability the sidewalks is a concern.

The point was made that we need more income downtown to support more businesses.  That lead to discussion about longer hours for the stores because they close to early which discourages people from shopping downtown.

There is a need push for more market rate housing downtown.

The city Council is working on improving the parking downtown. Council Belanger pointed out that he is working on parking and working with the garages.

<Corey picks up at 07:23>


Councilor Belanger – We are continuing to look at how to remain competitive w/r/t other cities and towns.

Chris H – how is finding a new DPD director going?

Mgr. – 28 applicants, 5 finalists, interviews this week.

Ted Lavash – Great Race was a great event

Craig H – Finn’s Pub is not causing the danger.

? – Market Rate Housing in Downtown Lowell?

We are not going to provide any more tax incentives to low-income housing. We have done our part.


The City Manager does have a 24% voting position on the Lowell Regional Transit Authority Council

<Back to Marketing>

Mill No Five. Two weeks and we will announce Jackson connecting to Fletcher. $15m.

<Complete Streets projects?>

Bruce Freeman, etc.

8:11 PM Manager done.

City Council meeting

Item on fireworks, new fine $300 being proposed.

City Wi-Fi being proposed.

Stephen Greene – Interested in working groups? Email board@ldna01852.org

Corey – To send out poll.

August meeting is ON.

We will work on identifying issues we want to try to address this year at the August meeting.

Reminder about the Logo competition: https://www.facebook.com/LDNA.LowellMA/posts/665447446861235

Suggestion to reach out to artist groups, etc.

<Discussion about Social>

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