August 25, 2014 Meeting

7:00 Start

Eric Eby  – Two Way traffic conversion

Market is underutilized, Merrimack overutilized. People will adjust. Brickwork and signage to still be done. Signal adjustment at Arcand and Dutton to be done to favor Merrimack St over pedestrians.

Concurrent pedestrian signals…drivers are failing to yield. Requires education and enforcement. Might switch Shattuck St back if it gets underutilized as a two-way street.

Question: How long do pedestrians get to cross?

3 ½ ft per second. Federal standard. Some are being considered for extension.

Question: Can we allow lefts on Bridge, John, or Kirk?

Bridge is right out. We are trying prohibition first but might reconsider. People are doing it anyway anyhow.

Question: Has the light at the Howe Bridge/Pawtucket St been re-timed to handle the rush w/ University Crossing opening?

It’s been difficult to work there because the sidewalks are all still being reconstructed. This is a dedicated-cycle pedestrian signal, state design, and it takes a long time to change, which encourages jaywalking.

Question: Can we do something about pedestrians crossing against the light?

<Missed answer>

Question: Bridge to Merrimack seems to still have a green arrow, even though Prescott can go.

Seems to be a solid green light.

Question: Can we work with UML to discuss pedestrian behavior?

Yes, supposedly was done last week.

* Overall, people are happy with the changes.

* The No Right Turn signs for trucks and buses are confusing and might be removed.

* Shattuck may be reverted to one-way if it remains underutilized as-is.


7:30 – Captain Richardson’s report

Email: Direct line: 978-446-7210

Officer Smith is the Segway cop.

Gang @ Merrimack and Central is gone because we removed the bench.

We’re looking to keep people moving along down here.

There was an issue (fight) downtown today; we added two more officers.

12 Motor Vehicle breaks this month – many unlocked cars.

A few other minor incidents.

Narcotics squad has been very busy on Upper Merrimack St.

Question: Should we always call the police if we see something? Can dispatch handle that?

Yes. To the specific incident, we need a zero-tolerance policy on the disorder.

Question: Are we going to be too hard on kids?

No, there’s a large gap between kids acting up and the fights, etc.

Question: Do you use SeeClickFix?

Yes – we have 48 hours to get back to people. For police-related issues, please call the non-emergency line because of the delay.

Question: Is there anything we can do about the problems non-residents are causing around Boott Mills? Police are chasing people through our properties two weeks in a row.

We’ll take a look.

Question: What can we do to enforce the traffic rules downtown better?

It’s constant reminding of kids to follow the laws, there’s only so much we can do.


Treasurer’s Report: $212

Report on new logo, survey


Development in the old power plant in Canal Place: September 4th, 6:30 PM, council chambers.


Social @ Enterprise Bank or Athenian Corner. Volunteers welcome! Looking at Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Economic Development office looking to help out.


Pawtucketville is having some FEMA representatives about floods September 8. Corey to email LDNA about this.


Chris Hayes citizen involvement (DIY Lowell).  Looking to develop some ideas that citizens can do to improve the city. Phased from brainstorming to implementation: (217)-722-9516


Improvement areas? Sidewalks. Clean windows. More, better trees.

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