- Welcome, Introductions of Board and Guest: Jack Moynihan, Co-Chair LDNA
- Approval of 08.25.2014 meeting Minutes as posted
- Lowell Economic Development Director: Allison Lamey
- 3 categories of Focus:
- Support existing business’s large & small;
- Support property owners and those looking to move business into Lowell;
- Developing a Workforce competitive with other locales
- Various items being addressed:
- Preparing employee’s with needed education/skills through UML & MCC
- Loading zone changes/additions with change in traffic flow
- Improving Streetscape throughout Downtown i.e. Planters/Signs/Flags
- Energy efficient programs for Businesses
- Outreach to Businesses telling them of assistance they can request from City
- Working with Realtors for Business
- Working with Multiple City Departments to enhance Business Environment
- 3 categories of Focus:
- Police Report: Captain Kelly Richardson
- Introduced Officer Matt Penrose who set up Police on ATV’s, Bicycles; all working well
- Reviewed Downtown incident Report.
- Discussed Police activity to reduce Crime & Issues in reducing such
- One Skateboarder has been issued a ticket; will require he & parent appear in court.
- Discussed Bicycles, skateboards on Sidewalks; Jay Walkers, etc.
- Report on Social for LDNA: Stephen Greene, VP LDNA:
- Will delay for warmer weather to increase event activity and attract more residents. Enterprise Bank will give us space in their Parking Lot for event.
- Susan & Jack (Co-Chair’s LDNA) working on a Voter Registration Project for Downtown to increased Registered Voters for November Elections.
- Susan Purdy Co-Chair LDNA to ask MA House Rep for our District, David Nangle to address next meeting re: 4 Ballot Questions pro’s & con’s.
Respectively submitted, Susan Purdy, Co-Chair LDNA for Corey Scuito, Secretary LDNA