September 22, 2014 Meeting Minutes

  1. Welcome, Introductions of Board and Guest: Jack Moynihan, Co-Chair LDNA
  1. Approval of 08.25.2014 meeting Minutes as posted
  1. Lowell Economic Development Director: Allison Lamey
    1. 3 categories of Focus:
      1. Support existing business’s large & small;
      2. Support property owners and those looking to move business into Lowell;
      3. Developing a Workforce competitive with other locales
    2. Various items being addressed:
      1. Preparing employee’s with needed education/skills through UML & MCC
      2. Loading zone changes/additions with change in traffic flow
      3. Improving Streetscape throughout Downtown i.e. Planters/Signs/Flags
      4. Energy efficient programs for Businesses
      5. Outreach to Businesses telling them of assistance they can request from City
      6. Working with Realtors for Business
      7. Working with Multiple City Departments to enhance Business Environment
  1. Police Report: Captain Kelly Richardson
    1. Introduced Officer Matt Penrose who set up Police on ATV’s, Bicycles; all working well
    2. Reviewed Downtown incident Report.
    3. Discussed Police activity to reduce Crime & Issues in reducing such
    4. One Skateboarder has been issued a ticket; will require he & parent appear in court.
    5. Discussed Bicycles, skateboards on Sidewalks; Jay Walkers, etc.
  1. Report on Social for LDNA: Stephen Greene, VP LDNA:
    1. Will delay for warmer weather to increase event activity and attract more residents. Enterprise Bank will give us space in their Parking Lot for event.
  1. Susan & Jack (Co-Chair’s LDNA) working on a Voter Registration Project for Downtown to increased Registered Voters for November Elections.
  1. Susan Purdy Co-Chair LDNA to ask MA House Rep for our District, David Nangle to address next meeting re: 4 Ballot Questions pro’s & con’s.

Respectively submitted,   Susan Purdy, Co-Chair LDNA for Corey Scuito, Secretary LDNA

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